Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

       The King was still sleeping when I woke up the next morning, his large body resting peacefully besides mine. I blinked over at him, at the soft look resting across his handsome face, and let out a quiet sigh. Why couldn't we be like the regular mates of his kind? The one's he always seemed so proud to tell me about?

       Because he was a king, the King, and I had no idea what I was anymore. I cast him one last look before slipping carefully from the large bed.

       North didn't move once.

       I watched his large frame breath evenly beneath the thick covers as I walked quietly towards the large oak door of his room, my footsteps light as I stepped on the very tips of my toes.

       I didn't know how I felt about yesterday, but I knew I wouldn't be able to figure it out with those blue eyes glowing down at me. He had killed a handful of people that had practically raised me, and yet I still slept beside him like nothing had happened.

       What was wrong with me?

       He had been so different, so unlike the North I had grown used to. The King from the traveling stories. It was rather frightening, but I knew he wouldn't have hurt me, not physically at least. But he hurt others, killed others.

       He was right though, it shouldn't have surprised me. He was the ruler of his entire, animalistic kind after all. I just needed to be away from him for a while.

       There was already a bath waiting for me in the side washroom of my own chambers, and I slipped easily into the hot, refreshing water. Oh yes... This was lovely.

       I leaned back against the marble tub and closed my eyes, the warm water resting just beneath my chin. What a mess my life had fallen into.

       I needed to find the infirmary and talk to Mae. If what North said was true, and they were going to fix whatever was wrong with her, maybe she would make more sense.

       I hadn't seen Aeyron since Eirik told him to take her away, and it was oddly disconcerting. I hadn't realized how much I relied on his company.

       It wasn't long before I was climbing out of the quickly cooling water with a sigh and pulling on a simple tunic and cotton pants. Even though spring was slowly starting to make its appearance, the snow and chill in the air around the kingdom seemed to never disappear. I rather liked it.

       It was still very early in the morning when I slipped from my rooms, the sky just barely starting to lighten with the morning sun. The halls were relatively empty as I wandered out of the King's wing, and besides a few servants running about, I didn't see anyone. Not even the Generals.

       I frowned. I was sure at least one of them would be awake and meandering about.

       "Excuse me?" I asked a passing servant after wandering aimlessly around the large statue-lined halls for what seemed like hours.

       The server paused, his mousy-brown eyes wide in surprise, and what looked like slight fear. His panic made me frown.

       "Could you tell me where the infirmary is?" I asked softly, a small smile pulling at my lips in some attempt to ease the poor man's nerves.

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