One | Outcast

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Useless pathetic excuse of a Viking!
Why can't you do anything right?
Do us a favour and go get eaten by a dragon.

Voices- cruel, cruel voices followed him wherever he went as Hiccup trudged through a familiar muddy path in the forest.

Mud squelched beneath his boots, soaking right deep into his feet.
Rain poured heavily around him, drenching his clothes. He could fall ill any moment, but he couldn't care less.
He could feel the universe sneering at him, a good for nothing excuse of a Viking.

The universe hated him. Hel, even the gods did.
Hiccup couldn't care less. He just kept walking, not bothering to complain or curse the gods for giving him such a horrible fate.
He wrapped his arms around himself, slightly shivering in the cold.
Though, the raging storm did complement his current mood right now.

The young heir scowled miserably at the puddles around him.
Shoulders hunched, head hung low, Hiccup continued walking, carefully stepping over puddles.
He then stopped to peer at his reflection in one of the puddles.

Staring back at him was a freckled face boy. His dull shaggy brown hair was completely soaking wet and he looked even paler than usual.
He noticed his eyes were a dull green.
Though, they usually sparked with curiosity and wonder, here there was no sign of life.
His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. That's when he realised he had been crying.

Vikings don't cry, he thought to himself, I guess I'm not really a Viking.
He raised his sleeve to his face, wiping over his tears.

If his father ever finds out he broke down to tears, Hiccup felt like a huge humiliation.

Thunder clasped in the distance, followed by streaks of lightning.
Hiccup scowled at the gloomy skies, wondering why the gods were punishing him.

"Oh, come on," he shouted to the heavens, "Is this really necessary? What did I do now?"

The only response he got was a loud bang then a sudden crash as lightning hit a pine tree in the distance.

Hiccup watched it collapse with a crash. He grimaced at the sound of more trees collapsing to the earth.

Rain continued pouring heavily and the wind moaned like a wandering soul trying to seek entrance to Valhalla.

Slipping out of his vest, Hiccup used it as a shield to cover his head, which wasn't exactly helping much.

Berk had been raining endlessly for the past week that the grass had become mushed and sluggish to walk through.

As Hiccup clambered up the trail, he could make out something through the fog and downpour.

Up ahead, he saw a cave; a perfect shelter to stay temporarily from the downpour.
Home was not an option, especially after this morning's heated conversation with his father.

Being the son of the chief really was a tough life. Mostly because Hiccup wasn't exactly anything his father expected. He wasn't exactly a Viking, yet he tries to make his father proud any way he could.

With a sigh, Hiccup decided to camp in the cave for a while. Well, at least until the storm passes.
Besides, it wasn't like his father would even notice he was gone for so long.
He was obviously busy running the village to even bother with his clumsy teenage son's antics.

The storm raged on, drenching Hiccup as he clamber up the trail. He sneezed a couple of times, and knew in this kind of weather, he could fall ill any time.

Quickly, he ambled towards the cave, shivering in the nasty cold.
Once he made it, the drench auburn-haired Viking collapsed on the cold ground, breathing heavily.

Heir Of Berk | A HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON FANFICTION |Where stories live. Discover now