Ten | Curioser

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Hey guys, so after a hiatus, I decided to update this story. This will be my last update for the next two weeks because I will away on family vacation.

Apart from this story, I will be working on an original story too when I get back.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter!


Days passed since Hiccup saw the Night Fury in the woods. It still amazed him that he actually saw the legendary dragon.

Day and night, Hiccup had been working on his new invention; making a few tweaks, and praying it would work.

He wasn't sure if this weapon would take down that dragon. But he needed to make a few test runs.

Yet, he was certain with a few adjustments the machine will work.

Gobber would often watch his young apprentice work on his device. He would carry on with his duties while muttering, 'if that device fails, then you have actually bitten more than you can chew' and 'this is insane. Nobody can do such a thing'.

He was indeed sceptical, but he was interested to see how things will end.

Although Hiccup was hurt by the blacksmith's scepticism, he was willing to prove him wrong.

He was determined to prove to everyone that he would be the first one to shoot down a Night Fury.

The sun was barely up when Hiccup reached the forge. He took advantage of the time to work on his invention.

Just a few adjustments and it will be ready.

Maybe in the next raid, he could test it out.

"What are you working on, Useless?" Hiccup rolled his eyes at the obnoxious voice.

He didn't need to look up to see who it was. He already knew.

"None of your business," Hiccup muttered as he worked.

Snotlout pouted, "Aw, why is Hiccy so grumpy?"

Hiccup grumbled and stood straighter. He ignored his tormentors and kept working on his machine.

"I have no idea what that is, but it looks cool," Tuffnut declared, which earned a punch from his twin sister.

Snotlout scoffed at the device. He gave the smaller boy an incredulous look.

"If you think that's gonna shoot down a dragon, you're wrong," he smirked, "Only cowards like you use that stupid thing. REAL warriors aren't afraid to spill out dragon blood with their bare hands,"

Ruffnut exclaimed in agreement.

"Yeah! They can rip all their guts and spill out blood,"

Hiccup cringed at the thought of spilling a dragon's guts.

Ironically, he was a Viking. And ripping out dragons' flesh was common practice around here.

Tuffnut grinned widely, "Oh yeah. Everyone loves a good spilling of guts. We're Vikings after all,"

Hiccup rolled his eyes. He wasn't in the mood for any of this.

"This thing is going to help me shoot down the rarest species of all; the Night Fury,"

Silence lingered for a moment until the three teens burst out laughing.

Hiccup sighed as he watched the three teens laugh at his ambition.

He would show them that he can take down that dragon. Then who would be laughing?

"A Night Fury- are you kidding me?" Snotlout exclaimed, wiping a tear from his eyes. "You think you can shoot down a dragon like that?"
Tuffnut sniggered, "That thing doesn't exist. But it would be cool if it did,"

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