Four | Solitude

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Hey guys, so here is chapter 4. I won't be updating until early January since I will be going on vacation for a month, but I will continue writing it. I just won't be publishing the chapters. Normally, I would write my chapters on paper first. Anyway, I just want to say merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Until next time :)



Hiccup sat close to the fireplace of his home, staring absentmindedly into the burning flames.

He was lost in his own thoughts when he heard the door slam open, followed by heavy footsteps.

Hiccup jolted up, startled by the person who entered his home. He turned around to find his father had stepped foot, taking off his helmet.

For some reason, the sight of his father made the boy grow in trembling fear. He stayed quiet, eyes glued to the timber floor beneath him.

"Hiccup," the man finally said, walking up to him.

Slowly, Hiccup raised his head, meeting his father's stoic gaze.

"Dad," Hiccup swallowed a nervous lump down his throat, "Thought you'd be chiefing,"

Stoick frowned, ignoring his son. Then his cold grey-green eyes narrowed at the lanky teen.

That made Hiccup tremble in fear. He was afraid what his own father would do to him.

"Son, I can't believe what you have done," Stoick inhaled sharply, "Three innocent children are dead because of you. Now you will have to pay the price,"

Hiccup furrowed his brows, perplexed, "Dad, what are you talking about? I would never-''

"Enough, boy! You have done enough damage here;" Stoick cut him off; "Three lives are dead because of you. Why can't you do anything right? Why must you let disaster follow you?"

Fear brimmed through Hiccup's forest-green eyes. He was confused what his father was on about. He would never kill those children.

"D-dad..." Hiccup trembled, staring into his father's cold, bitter stare.

"You ought to be punished," Stoick pulled out a whip, a tool parents used to beat misbehaved children. "I don't want to hurt you, boy. But what choice do I have?"

Hiccup exchanged looks to his father then to the whip. Fear grew inside him, slowly consuming him.

"No, you wouldn't," Hiccup pleaded, his eyes widened, "I...I'm sorry. Please don't!"

"Silence, boy!" Stoick roared, "This is what you get for those deaths and always causing disaster. When will you learn?"

Hiccup rose his hands up in surrender, "Dad, don't. I...I'll do anything. Please,"

"A Viking must endure pain," Stoick paused, staring at his son with disgust, "But you're not a Viking. You're not even the son I wanted,"

Hurt stung inside Hiccup as the man's cold words pierced through his heart.

He never thought his father would hate him. He thought he did care about him. Now, he knew that was all a lie.

"You were an accident," Stoick sneered coldly, "No son of mine would be such a disappointment, a nuisance, a runt,"

Hiccup was on the verge of tears, but he sniffed, holding them back.

He couldn't cry, not in front of his own father. He needed to stay strong.

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