Eight | No More lies

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Hey guys, so after a hiatus, here is finally a new chapter. I got a lot of plans for this fic, so I have motivation to write this fic. Also, this fic won't entirely follow Httyd1 but it is set in a similar timeline.

P.S this chapter is rated PG-13 for depictions of violence


The forest was the perfect place to be alone or practice.

For Astrid, it was both. She would come to the woods at dawn and dusk to train.

Her parents held high expectations for her. Meeting their expectations of becoming a shield maiden meant hard work, but Astrid wasn't afraid. She knew training until her hands bleed would be worth it.

Ever since the incident with Finn Hofferson, Astrid's uncle, the Hofferson's name was shunned and humiliated.

Now it was up to Astrid to regain their family's glory and its reputation.

Astrid usually trained with full concentration. But today felt different.

Today, her mind was elsewhere as questions swarmed inside her head. Her mind kept focusing on one thing- Hiccup.

It had been a few weeks since she last spoken to him.

Last time sh spoke to him had been a month ago when the village was evacuated to the Great Hall one night.

Her father had forbid her to associate with the young Berkian, fearing he would influence her somehow.

So, Astrid heeds her father's words and trained day after day; perfecting her skills.

Though, part of her did feel it was unfair for her father to choose who she should associate with.

Yes, the Haddock boy might not be the most capable Viking, but he deserved to have a companion; just like everybody else.

Astrid grunted as she yanked her axe out of a pine tree.

She blew her bangs out of her eyes, and then sat on a log to catch her breath.

Astrid exhaled deeply. She realised she had been practising since sunrise.

The sun already rose high, meaning it was close to midday already.

As Astrid tried to catch her breath, her blue eyes fell on the intricate details of her axe.

Is it true? Did Hiccup actually made this? Did father lie to me all these years?

Astrid ran her slender fingers along the flat axe head.

Scars- countless scars adorned her axe head after years of use. Yet, it remained sturdy and stubborn to age as years passed by.

Only an excellent craftsman would craft such a fine battle axe like this.

Maybe her father wanted to cover the truth. Maybe Hiccup was bluffing that he made this axe with his bare hands.

Astrid wasn't so sure. There was only one way to find out.

Peeling herself out of the log, Astrid started walking towards the village.

After coming to these woods her whole life, Astrid eventually knew her way around.

The walk to the village won't take too long.


When Astrid reached her house, she found her father perched in the living area. His injured leg was rested on a wooden stool.

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