Eleven | Humiliation

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Hey guys I know it has been so long since my last update. I took a break from the HTTYD fandom and also writing fics, which has helped me feel inspired and refreshed. So here I have a new chapter which will be full of heartache, some Hiccup and Stoick father/son issues and you will definitely want to hug Hiccup after reading this - cause he goes through a lot.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

- JenniferTjandrajana

Hiccup winced at the tight grip of his father's hand.

He was dragged by the collar of his shirt back home, listening to Stoick reprove of his actions. Hiccup stayed silent all the way home, knowing if he rebutted, it would be a one-sided conversation.

Once they reached their home, Stoick roughly shoved Hiccup inside, shutting the door behind him.

Stumbling forward, Hiccup collapsed on the ground. He grimaced when his chin hit the stone-cold floor.

"Dad, let me explain-''

As Hiccup scrambled to his feet, Stoick lunged forward, striking a hard hand against his cheek.

The young heir fell back, his bottom hitting the ground. He groggily sat up, his green eyes filled with fear as he watched Stoick paced angrily around the room.

"Dad..." Hiccup realized his voice had become small, "I-I know this looks bad, but trust me I wouldn't-''

"Out of all the irresponsible things you've done," Stoick fumed as Hiccup rubbed his cheek, "this is the worst you've done. Inviting a dragon in our village? What in Odin's name were you thinking, son?!"

Hiccup winced at the anger and frustration in Stoick's voice.

Being yelled and scolded for something he did was something he could take. But being slapped in the face and shouted at for something he did not do wasn't something Hiccup was used to.

Stoick wasn't fond of punishing Hiccup physically. Most of the time, he was focused on the village's needs that he couldn't bother to deal with Hiccup's ridiculous antics.

The only time Stoick did hit Hiccup was when he really drove him off the edge.

And this was exactly that.

But to Hiccup, it wasn't fair to get blamed for all this. The person who deserved this was Snotlout, who lied to the whole village Hiccup had lured that Monstrous Nightmare.

Yet, neither of them knew the dragon would chase them to the village. It had been unexpected; an accident.

As always, nobody believed Hiccup's accusation.

After all, the village saw him as nothing more than a boy who cried wolf; a very good liar who have formed his own web of lies throughout the years.

Nobody likes to take him seriously.

Even though he was falsely accused, Hiccup wished he had stood up against Snotlout when he had the chance. Then again, who would even listen to Hiccup the Useless?

Groggily, Hiccup scrambled to his feet. He stared at the floor, avoiding Stoick's intimidating gaze.

There no point for Hiccup to explain himself. There was no denying that Stoick wouldn't surrender and listen.

Hiccup may be heir to this tribe, but he was always overlooked as a scrawny boy with no worth to this tribe.

Nothing he did was good enough for his father or his tribe.

That was the perks of being born a runt.

"Dad, listen to me. It was an accident," Hiccup protested, "I didn't lure that dragon. I was in the woods - minding my own business when-''

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