Fifteen | Grounded

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Hey guys, after a long hiatus I am back with a new chapter. I kinda took a break from httyd for a while but I am back into it.

Just to let you know, this chapter is just a filler chapter, but it does focus on Hiccup and Stoick's strained relationship. Nothing exciting happens here, but don't worry the next chapter will be more exciting.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote :)


"I actually hit it. You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot."

Stoick yanked Hiccup by the collar, dragging him through the sea of bewildered villagers. He ignored his son's outbursts of shooting down a Night Fury. If that was even true. Once again, Hiccup had failed to follow one of Stoick's orders. His obedience had indeed left a humiliating mark in the village and in the Haddock family's name.

Onlookers murmured among themselves as they watched Hiccup shouted more outbursts. The boy really had wild imagination and a short attention span. Sometimes they wished he could just stop being a nuisance and act like a normal Viking for once. Was it too much to ask?

The chief had enough on his plate; cleaning after the recent dragon raid, making sure there was enough food for the village to last till winter, and helping his people deal with rebuild their lives, which meant helping them overcome the trauma and injuries they suffered. He didn't need Hiccup's mess to add to the pile.

Stoick was exhausted; not from lack of sleep, but from always having to save Hiccup's skin. Literally.

Tonight, the boy almost got himself killed by that Monstrous Nightmare. It had been foolish; whether it were an accident or not. Nonetheless, Stoick was beyond disappointed.

By now, the dragons have fled with most of the villagers' livestock. Some villagers were left injured, but nothing too serious. Luckily, nobody got themselves killed.

"I think it went off Raven Point," Hiccup went on, "So, let's get a search party out there before-''

Tired of Hiccup's shenanigans, Stoick's green eyes flared angrily. He let go of Hiccup's collar then raised his voice.


Hiccup immediately fell silent. He blinked, taken back by the chief's hard tone.

"Just stop." Stoick inhaled deeply, "Every time you step outside, disaster follows. We've got bigger problems, Hiccup. Most of the villagers are left injured AND homeless, and I don't have time to deal with..." he gestured non-specifically at Hiccup, "this."

Hurt stung inside Hiccup. He thought he was contributing to the village, but now he realized all he did was make everything worse. Once he finds that Night Fury and kill it, everything will get better. Everyone will soon forget what a useless runt he was.

"On top of that," Stoick continued, "winter is almost here and I've got an ENTIRE village to feed."

Silence cast over the crowd. To lighten things up, Hiccup gave a dry, witty remark.

"Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?"

Onlookers gasped, offended. Some glanced self-consciously at their round bellies. Others just glared at Hiccup, clearly not a fan of his witty humor.

Stoick's face reddened with embarrassment. He could hear it; his own people gossiping about what a failure he was for raising such a disobedient heir.

For the past few years - ever since Hiccup intervened with the raids - Stoick always felt humiliated whenever he was in public. He was a highly respected chief, looked up to by many. Yet, raising a boy like Hiccup made it impossible to be taken seriously when the village would comment about his lack of discipline for the boy. It seem like he was losing respect from most of his people. There are times when Stoick didn't think his own son respected his authorities at all. It was hard leading a whole village of stubborn Vikings; but it was harder being a father to a son who doesn't listen.

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