Three | Scars

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Hey guys welcome to chapter 3 of my story. Warning, there will be mention of depression and self-harm here, but it is not too extreme. Hiccup is quite depressed in this story since he hasn't met Toothless and his life is a mess. Poor guy :/

Anyway, enjoy!


Hiccup didn't know how long he had been out.

When he finally gained consciousness, he found himself laid on a rickety wooden bed, his small frame cocooned with layers of furs.

Groggily, the teenager sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He blinked as he tried to gather where he was.

The room did looked oddly familiar with a desk edged against the wall opposite to the bed. Blueprints of inventions and random sketches hung across the walls.

A candle was lit beside the bed. A chest sat at the foot of the bed. An ornament shield leaned against the chest.

In the corner of the room, there stood an old cupboard.

Hiccup's eyes widen when he realised where he was; his room. Though, he didn't remember exactly how he got here.

The last thing he remembered was being in the middle of the forest before fading away into unconsciousness.

He hadn't been alone, though. He was also with-

"Astrid!" He called sitting up, only to be restrained by a sudden weight on his stomach.

Peering down, he found two blocks of ice strapped onto his stomach, easing the many bruises that covered his torso.

He froze, suddenly remembering how he got these bruises.

"About time you're awake," Hiccup glanced up to find Astrid sitting on a stool nearby, "How are you feeling?"

Hiccup groaned, placing a hand on his forehead. His cheeks turned a bright scarlet, realising Astrid Hofferson- the Viking girl of his dreams- was in his own room.

He should be ecstatic about it, if he weren't in so much pain.

Numbness took over his body, and every time he moved a muscle, Hiccup could only feel pain jolt through him.

"Head's really sore. Body...sore enough that I can't even move freely,"

Astrid gave a nod, "Right. Well, you look terrible, but that's an understatement considering you were beaten up pretty badly,"

Hiccup rolled his eyes, "Thank you for summing that up. Really,"

The Viking girl leapt off her stool and went towards the bedridden boy.

"So, what happened exactly? You should be lucky I found you in time," she looked at him with concerning eyes.

Hiccup furrowed his brows as he recollected the incident with the twins and Snotlout that felt like hours ago.

"How long have I been out?" He asked; needing to know the length of time he was unconscious.

"Two hours. Now, what happened? Did the twins and Snotlout do this to you?" Astrid asked with distaste, "They really need to find something to do than just beat you up all the time,"

Hiccup stared at the blonde, suddenly incredulous of her being almost kind to him. It wasn't like her to suddenly make any interactions with the village runt, let alone help him while he was shamefully beaten up.

"Why did you help me?" the brunet asked out of a raspy breath. He was eager to know. He needed to since it wasn't every day that anybody, especially somebody like Astrid would even showed him any sympathy.

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