Seven | Forgotten Birthday

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter. I hope you are enjoying this story because I am enjoying writing it. Anyway this chapter is kinda like a filler chapter but it has a lot of feels like the other chapters.

Enjoy :)


As weeks passed, the village of Berk would get frequent dragon attacks.

Houses were burnt down and rebuild by the village's skilled home repair Vikings. Many people who fought in raids were injured, but no scars could hold them back from anything.

They were Vikings after all; killing dragons was an occupational hazard.

During the raids, Hiccup was told to stay indoors. But stubbornness was really something he was good at. Instead of following orders, he ran off into the village, admiring all the damage and destruction.

He wanted to fight dragons so badly. He wanted to be a dragon killer just like everyone else. He knew that was his purpose around here, and was determined to convince the others he was truly a Viking.

The village may have forgotten about his incident, but that didn't mean they could trust him to be out in raids.

Despite not being much of a fighter, Hiccup did excel at crafting weapons. He had the craziest ideas for inventions, according to Gobber.

It was late February, and Hiccup had turned fifteen. Though, his father couldn't care less if today was his birthday. Actually, nobody did.

Only Gobber remembered, and had given his apprentice a leather bound journal.

To Hiccup, it was a perfect gift. He was a person who loved to sketch, which was a skill Vikings rarely have.

Hiccup was in his study room, hunched over his desk. He let his charcoal stick moved freely onto a blank page in his new leather bound journal.

Ever since early morning, Hiccup had been working on the blueprints of his new invention. Though, he was rather secretive about it.

Not even Gobber knew about it.

His invention was a hybrid between a canon and a crossbow, which most people would find it odd. To him, it was a practical weapon since it would let him shoot down a dragon without fighting it.

Hiccup decided to call it 'the Mangler'. Clever name, yet he was uncertain whether the invention might work when he uses it in the raid.

Only time can tell.

Right now, he tried to get the details of his weapon. He wanted it to be perfect so it would work as he planned.

A yawn escaped from the young Viking. He felt fatigue take over him.

Resting his head on his desk, Hiccup thought he'd rest his eyes for a while.

As he closed his eyes, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Startled, Hiccup jolted up, his green eyes widened in alarm. He spun around to find Gobber at the door with an amused look on his face.

Hiccup rolled his eyes, and glared at the blacksmith.

"Really? Are you kidding me?"

"Did I scare ya?" Gobber smirked, coming towards the young apprentice.

Hiccup placed his hand over his chest, feeling his unsteady heartbeat.

"No. Maybe a little," he replied with a sigh, "What are you doing here? Is there something you need?"

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