Sixteen | The Downed Dragon

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Hey, guys welcome to a new chapter. This chapter will include the Downed Dragon scene in httyd1 but I will include my own things too. Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment.


For the remainder of the day, Hiccup wandered around the woods.
After his intense argument with Stoick, Hiccup was glad to finally escape the village. His cheek still stung from being hit by his father, but at least it wasn't as bad as getting the belt.

With the Night Fury on his mind, he was determined to find that beast. Nobody has ever killed this elusive dragon before. If Hiccup could be the first, maybe the village might stop calling him 'Hiccup the Useless'. Rather, he'd be known as 'Hiccup the Dragon Slayer'.

The search for the Night Fury dragged on, and Hiccup was becoming more frustrated for not being able to find it. By now, his hand-drawn map was covered in Xs, crossing all the places he's looked.

It was around midday and Hiccup was becoming restless and hungry. He craved something to eat, but he tried not to get tempted. He still had a Night Fury to find and kill.

Hiccup stopped at a gorge overlooking a green scenery of shrubs, pine, and moss. He glanced down at his map and scratched another X.

Frustrated, the young Viking scribbled his charcoal over the page, messing up his sketch.
"Oh, the gods hate me," he sighed, shoving his journal in his vest pocket. "Some people lose their knife or mug. Not me, I managed to lose an ENTIRE dragon!"

Angry with himself, Hiccup shoved an overhanging branch aside. Only to have it retaliate, striking him across the cheek. He cried in pain and massaged his sore cheek.

"Great," he muttered to himself, "First, I get hit by my own father. Now, I get hit by a stupid branch. This day just gets better and better." He stopped and glared at the heavens. "Okay, do you even have any sympathy at all? Or are you going to just punish me forever?"

Expecting the gods to respond, all he got was dead silence. Perfect, just perfect.

Groaning, Hiccup continued down the path, kicking a rock away.
"'A Viking must face consequences,'" he mimicked Stoick's accent. "'You're grounded for life, Hiccup. No more running around chasing trouble until...well, forever. No more..." he heaved out a sigh, "Seriously, Dad you can't keep me inside forever. What good does it do? Nothing. Joke's on you because I'm out here instead of inside about to find my first kill." He ambled down a rocky slope. "Once I kill this thing, you'll see I'm not just a talking fishbone."

Hiccup suddenly paused. He realized he was being insane talking to himself in the middle of the woods.
Nobody bothered to listen to his little rants, so he was used to ranting to himself.
At least, nobody was out here or else they'd think he was a mad man.

Following the dirt trail, Hiccup kept walking while muttering curses and ranting about his problems. Sometimes, he'd be tempted to give up on his search, knowing it was sending him on a wild goose chase.
But he was a Viking; he had stubbornness issues. He wasn't going to give up so easily. Not when the Night Fury was within reach.

Somewhere out there, that dragon was here, waiting for its death.

Suddenly, Hiccup froze at a fallen tree. Curious, he examined the tree, wondering what wild animal could have made such damage.

It couldn't be a wild boar, Hiccup thought to himself. It looks like it's been caused by a larger animal. Maybe a yak? Or a dragon. Definitely a dragon.

A cold chill suddenly ran down his back.

Hiccup's gaze fell to the gorge below. Down below, he could make out something dark lying in a clearing. Unsure what it was, Hiccup was curious to find what it was.

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