Seventeen | Dragon Training

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Hey guys, after a hiatus I am back with a new chapter. This will be set in the Dragon Training scene, except Hiccup won't be participating. He will be an observer. I will be including some new characters. 

Enjoy this chapter!


There was nothing Hiccup hated than waking up to an ungodly hour in the morning.
Since it was the first day of dragon training, Hiccup was needed at the arena to help set up, and feed the dragons - as requested by his father. Ever since Stoick and his men left the night before, Hiccup couldn't stop thinking about his father.
They were embarking on a dangerous mission, and it would be a miracle if any of them survives the quest without injuries.

After getting dressed, Hiccup dashed towards the arena. He skipped breakfast since he wasn't feeling very hungry or thought there was anything left to eat. Berk was on the brink of having a food shortage, which meant there wasn't going to be much food if the dragons keep raiding towards the winter.

Around this time, the village was already beginning their day. In the town square, markets were set up; displaying fresh produce, herbs and spices, weaponry, clothing and all sort of things.
Hiccup shuffled through the bustling marketplace. He'd excused himself while earning annoyed looks and grunts from villagers he passed by.

As he kept walking, he suddenly remembered the incident between him and Erika's mother. Although that was months ago now, he couldn't let go of the memory. What Erika's mother said were untrue and quite judgemental - about him being a cursed child and being nothing but a threat in this village. That was the last thing he wanted to be.

Ever since that day, Hiccup hasn't spoken to Erika since her mother made it clear not to associate with her. He really missed talking to her. He missed her bright smile, her laughter and the way her eyes shone with curiosity.
The young girl also had quite an imagination. Hiccup remembered playing tag with her in the outskirts of the village three summers ago.
Erika had wandered to the woods alone,  bored or lonely and thought the older boy might want to play with her. 

Being an only child, Hiccup often wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. Of course, there would be some bickering and disagreements, like the twins' brother-and-sister bond. But if he had a sibling, he'd try to be the protective older brother who can lead a great example, teach his sibling to sketch or paint, and share his knowledge about things he knew.

He'd even take them to hunt for trolls or dragons, which was his favourite past time as a child.
Of course, he'd get ridiculed for believing such a thing, and his father would blame Gobber for filling his head with such absurd ideas. But at least it gave him something to do whenever he was bored.

Since his mother died long ago, and his father never planned on remarrying, Hiccup would remain an only child.
Erika may not be blood-related, but to Hiccup, she was like a sister he never had.

Sighing, he jogged over to the arena. 


As Stoick requested, Hiccup needed to clean the dragons' pens.
That is what he did - or tried to do - for the past hour. And it was quite a...disastrous experience, in his opinion. Hesitantly, he'd try to get into the dragons' pens while offering the dragons with a bucket of fish. He had to admit, he was worried one of them might chomp his hands off or blast him until he was toast, literally. 

Luckily, Gobber was there to check up on the young Viking. Whenever the dragons become agitated, Gobber would haul them aside while giving time for his apprentice to clean up the pens. Some of the tasks weren't so pleasant; like collecting the dragons' dung. Hopefully, this wasn't going to be a regular thing, cleaning the pens. At least he was contributing to the community, right? 

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