Two | Unfortunate Encounter

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Hiccup stared at the mug of ale in front of him.
He scrunched his nose, disgusted by the revolting stench of the yellow creamy-white substance. He's never understood how Vikings could drink this without wanting to throw up.
Sighing, the teenager shoved the mug aside. He tore a piece of bread and chewed it miserably.
Ever since he woke up this morning, Hiccup had been feeling slightly ill. He wasn't sure if he was coming down with something, though he did wake up with a pounding headache.

His stomach growled, and because there was hardly any food at home, he thought he'd eat at the Great Hall. Staring at the hardly eaten bread, Hiccup suddenly lost his appetite. In fact, he had the sudden urge to throw up. Though, that would be very humiliating. Not that he wasn't used to humiliating himself.

Last night's tensed conversation between him and his father rocked back and forth in his mind. He hadn't slept that he lay awake all night, drowning himself in tears. He didn't usually break down, but after yesterday's turn of events, he couldn't take it anymore; he couldn't hold it anymore. A failure was all he ever was. Perhaps that may change someday.

Hiccup recalled the morning during the aftermath of the raid yesterday.
Being scolded was something he could easily take, though harsh words did slice sharply through his heart like daggers. But it couldn't be as horrible as being strike across the face by a huge hand. Unfortunately, his father did just that.
Humiliating and painful as it was, Hiccup figured he deserved it. After all, he not only endangered his own life but three innocent children's too.
To him, it had been an act of bravery, but others dismissed it as foolishness.

Hiccup hasn't seen his father since the night before. He was relieved actually.
Last night's conversation had left a tensed atmosphere, and Hiccup was just relieved to be out for a while. He wasn't going to be home until later at dusk. Perhaps it was a good thing to give his father some space.

Hiccup stared at his plate of food, suddenly losing his appetite. He shoved his plate aside, oblivious to his gnawing hunger.
The young Viking raised a hand to his burning forehead. He wanted to faint any minute, but he didn't want to attract any attention.
He nimbly pushed out of his seat; his skinny legs wobbling like jelly as he hobbled out of his table.
As he reached for the doors, he froze when he heard cackling from behind.

"Well, if it isn't the walking disaster himself,"

A groan escaped out of Hiccup's chapped lips. He wasn't in the mood.
Approaching his table were his personal tormentors; his arrogant cousin, Snotlout followed by the head bashing twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.
Mind you, the twins did have a ridiculous habit of quarreling over meaningless things.

"What do you want, Snotlout?" Hiccup sighed, rolling his eyes, "I mean, you don't normally come to sit with me, right?"

Snotlout slammed his fist on the table, laughing hysterically.
The twins erupted in a fistful of laughter, then the male twin, Tuffnut stopped with a blank look on his face.

"Wait, I don't get it," he said blankly, "What was the joke again?"

Snotlout facepalmed, muttering something about the male twin's stupidity.
The female Thorston twin, Ruffnut smirked. She shoved her brother forward, punching his back with her fist.
A cry of pain, followed by a pleasurable moan escaped out of the male twin.
Oblivious to the twins' stupidity, Snotlout shot Hiccup a dirty look.

"Your dad won't ever accept you," the dark-haired teen jabbed a finger at Hiccup's boney chest. "You probably need a proper punishment,"
Snotlout glanced at the twins with a glint of mischief in his deep blue eyes.
"And I know what I'm going to do with you,"

When the twins heard this, they exchanged grins. They certainly were excited for what 'punishment' the Jorgenson boy had in mind.

"What are you-" Hiccup was immediately cut off when he felt Snotlout heft him by the collar and tossed the brunette over his shoulder.
Yells of protests escaped from the struggling teen. He was whisked out of the hall with the twins cackling behind him.
Heads turned to his direction but nobody dared to help the harassed teen. After all, the village believed it was social suicide to associate with the runt of the tribe, let alone help him from bullies.
Like his father always told him; he was a Viking and needed to deal with it. He needed to fight for himself instead of relying on other people to help him.
Ah, the perks of being a Viking.

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