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A/N-I don't really feel like doing homework so... let's update:)


For the whole class, Sensei rants about wars and such. I pay no attention to him and stare out the window, with my elbow holding up my head. Tomorrow is the day of the Festival. I barely went by, talking to Natsume the rest of the week after that whole incident of his hand on my own.

But all I can think of is what Mahiru wants to tell me.

"Listen up class, we're getting  a new student."

I'm over new students by now. I never really get to know them anyways... but I at least take a look at the student. The door opens slowly and in comes a boy.

His black hair is in a ponytail and those same light brown eyes search the room. His eyes spot me. He smiles at me, showing me those dimples. Cute.

That guy-!!! He's that costumer from not so long ago. The one that called me cute!!!

"Yo!! My name is Tsubasa Ando!! Nice to meet ya." He grins and almost all the girls fawn over him. In my opinion his grin is enough to brighten up anyone's day.

"Well... there's a seat right in front of Sakura-san." The teacher says.

I sigh... isn't this a typical manga development?

"Don't mind if I do." He grins as he walks over to me, his eyes on me the whole time. "Nice to meet you Sakura-san." He winks and takes the seat in front of me. I sigh quietly. Why is he so flirtatious?

Why do I feel like this has happened before?

"Ando-san... have I met you before?" I whisper as I lean forward to reach my pencil that has fallen on the ground.

"Hm...I'm  not sure. I have the same feeling as you do." he replies.

For some reason, I don't feel so uncomfortable around him. He reminds me of this boy I met when I was really little.

I try and try to think of that time when the break comes and I jump from my seat, suddenly remembering everything.

"Tsubasa!!!" I jump and hug him.

Everyone stares at us. He widens his eyes.

"It's me-Mikan-don't you remember me?" I smile. It takes him a while. He looks me down and up and then breaks into a big smile too.

"Oh my god!! It's you!" He hugs me back and we go on talking really fast about little things.

I can feel something hot behind me so I look back and see Natsume glaring at me through his arms.

"Hey, Natsume!! I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Tsubasa!!"

"Hi!!" He smiles at him kindly then looks back at me, "I can't believe it's you!! I didn't even recognize you or your name."

My smile fades. "That's right... you knew me by Yukihara didn't you? I go by my Grandmother's maiden name now."

He messes my hair up. "It's been so long. Who knew I'd meet you here. Oh wait... I saw you at that Bakery didn't I?"

"Yep. I didn't recognize you either. Gosh... it's been so long!!" I give him one last hug, a tight one. "I missed you." I say.

"Mikan. Who's this?" Hotaru says, with a look of confusion.

That's right. Not even Hotaru knows who Tsubasa is.

That's because before I became friends with Hotaru, I met Tsubasa and that was because our fathers were friends. Whenever his father came over, so did Tsubasa and we'd play. After my father left, Tsubasa and his father never came by again. We were so small that now that we've seen each other years later, we didn't recognize each other at first.

"He's a very important friend to me." he wraps his arm around my shoulder, I let him.

"Yep, we go back many years!! She's like a little sister to me." He says while messing my hair up again. I slap his hand and chuckle at his reaction.

"I thought you hated men." Natsume snaps. I look at him and for some reason, he's ticked off. I don't even know why but he's seriously bringing down the mood.

"I do but Tsubasa is an exception." I ruffle his hair. "He's like a brother to me."

"You hate men?" Tsubasa says with his brows narrowed. "Since when? I remember you got along well with the boys when we were young. What happened?"

Natsume stares at me so I laugh uncomfortably. "I got bullied by the other girls in middle school so I got tired of hanging out with guys."

"Oh." He frowns while holding my shoulders, "Now you don't have to hate them. I'll protect you." he says seriously. "I won't let anyone bother you again."

"Yeah well I think you're too late. Her ex-boyfriend is trying to get together with her." Natsume says irritably. I glare at him. How could he?! What's his problem? Why is he just blurting this out?

"Natsume!!" Tsubasa looks back me. "Why would you say that!

"What? That your ex is bothering you? That's pretty dangerous, you know?"

"Mahiru is back?" Hotaru mumbles coldy. "He better have a good reason to come back or I'll break off his legs."

"That's not funny Hotaru... and he's just trying to talk to me. Don't worry I'll make sure to end things with him."

"So he's bothering you." Tsubasa cracks his knuckles and my heart drops. "What a lowlife."

"He's not!!!"

"Why are you defending him?" Natsume mutters bitterly.

"Okay I don't know why you're acting like this Natsume but I still love him!!!" I blurt out and once I realize what I just said, I blush blood red and slap my mouth. "Ignore that, it was a lie."

"Mikan... you..." Tsubasa looks at me carefully, narrowing his eyes. "If you still like him then whats the problem?"

"It's just that-"

"He cheated on her." Natsume says for me. I get so red that I end up slapping him. Tears pop from my eyes.

Out of all the things he had to say, why did he have to admit that?

I'm so angry that I snap at him, not caring that my face is a mess from the tears.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I say, hurt by his actions. He stays silent and instead avoids my gaze.

"Let me guess, he's the one who invited you to the festival."

I choke and grab my bag.

"Mikan!" Hotaru says, extending her hand out to me. I shake my head at her.

"Sorry Tsubasa, let's talk another time." I say, my head bowed down.

"Mikan, wait-"

I run back home and don't go to school the next day.

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