T.W/24/New Start

272 14 4

A/N-Sorry it's been a long time huh??? Well here's a calm chapter with no drama or anything, just laughs. Maybe...


"Okay class, today I'm going to assign pairs for a project."

Everyone groans but I lean on my hand in curiosity. Today is a new beginning for me. I want to change and although it will be hard... there are people by my side.

"Strawberry... did you do the history homework?" Natsume pokes my shoulder.

I ruffle my hair in anger but sigh in defeat, "Yeah..." I hand him my homework and he smirks at me.

"Okay... let's see." The teacher starts to pair random students together and finally... his eyes land on me. "Sakura will be..." He glances around the room and then just when I think he's about to pick Natsume, he says"with Koko."

I squint at the person he picks but I don't know who it is so I look back at Natsume. He's got a big frown on his face but he turns his head so quickly that I barely notice it. "Hey Natsume... hey!!"

I tap his shoulder and finally, he turns back to me looking like normal. "What? I'm almost done copying it."

"That's not it... do you know who Koko is??" I whisper, glancing around the room to see if anyone looks like a 'Koko'.

"Do you know any of your classmates?" He smirks. "It's that guy in the front, the one that always has a smile on his face."

So I look when he tells me to. A guy who smiles...

And sure enough, he's right there with a big goofy grin on his face and he's talking to a girl right next to him. He turns back and we meet eyes briefly. I turn away and my face flushes. God, that's embarrassing~!

"I thought we'd get to be partners and you could have done all the work..." Natsume sulks but I frown.

"Shut up." I mutter. "What's he like?" I lean in closer but Natsume's really annoyed.

"Why do you care so much?"

Even as he says that I try to reflect on my past actions. I'd never once tried to learn the names of my classmates but now... why didn't I? It's a pain but they deserve to be a least known for their name. It doesn't have to be personal or anything.

"I want to change." I tell him honestly. I have to be a person worthy of standing by my friends' sides. By Hotaru, Nogi, and especially Natsume. "I don't want to judge anyone anymore... I want to be friends with my classmates."

"Okay?" Natsume rolls his pencil around with his fingers. "It's not that big a deal, just don't be so sensitive about first impressions."

When he says that I remember about our first meeting.



I gulp and remember my harsh words back then, "I'm sorry."

"About what?" He's got an amused smile on his face so I can't help squirming.

"Er... when we first met and I said all those feminist things, you know?"

"PFT..." He starts to laugh so loud that everyone looks at us like we're strange. I hide my face in my arms.


"Hahahaha..." He wipes his eyes and sighs, "I don't care about that. I thought it was the funniest thing a girl has ever said."

"Really?" It makes my cheeks heat up. "I'm still sorry that I was rude to you."

"So am I..." He coughs uncomfortably and I can see the tiniest hint of red ears.

He's embarrassed. And it's cute. He really is like a cute little cat. "You're just like a cat you know?"

"What? I'm a dog person!!!"He looks so offended that it's my turn to laugh out loud.

We get detention from the teacher for interrupting class too many times.


After class has ended, I pack up my things and get ready to head to the Bakery. After the last pencil is placed in its case and put altogether in my bag, someone taps my shoulder.

"Hello, Sakura." A cheerful, calm voice greets me. 

Its the boy from earlier... what was his name?

Komo? Koda? Oh!!! Koko?!!

"Hi, Koko-san." I bow and he bows as well. "Nice to meet you."

"You too, you can just call me Koko." He grins. Natsume was right... he does always smile. It's kinda refreshing to see someone smile. It encourages you to smile too!!

"We're partners right?"

"Yes, we have to build a model. I was hoping we could make plans to work on it in the future."

"Of course." I get out my phone and he does as well. We exchange numbers and create a chat. "Well... I hope we get along in the future."

He smiles at me one last time and then heads off whistling. What a strange guy and he's really good looking.

Heh... listen to me. What's wrong with you Mikan??

"Strawberry..." Natsume tugs at my sleeve, "Let's go!!! I want some cream puffs!!!"

"You're getting fat," I throw the strap over my shoulder and hold my bag by my side. "Cut back on those cream puffs."

"Pft... you guys are close, huh?" I hear Koko mutter from the corner. I flush. This is really embarrassing. Natsume looks at me closely as if he's suspicious of something.

"What?" I flick his forehead and he pretends to die-literally fall to the floor and die. "Get up, you're embarrassing me."

"Where are you two going? Can I join you?" Koko hums, a playful expression in his eyes. I am almost sucked in by his pretty brown eyes.

What the heck?

I flush and laugh awkwardly, "Hahaha, we're going to a Bakery that I work at. I owe him some cream puffs... you're welcome to come." I hold the back of my neck in anxiousness.

"Cool!! I'll come then!!" He grabs his bag and walks with us. Natsume gives him the stink-eye so I elbow him.

'Stop!!!' I mouth and he shrugs.

We walk for a couple of blocks until he suddenly breaks the ice. He turns to Natsume eagerly."So how long have you two been going out?"

I trip and face-plant onto the ground. 

Did he really just ask something like that???

God... it's so embarrassing...

"Are you okay??" Koko offers a hand but Natsume has pulled me up already. I nod in response and am about to answer his first question when Natsume answers for me, 

"Not long..." I glare at him and look back at Koko.

"We're not going out." I make an X with my arms and exaggerate it, "NOPE!!!"

I hear Natsume whisper in his ear and the two of them look at me then laugh.

"What???" I frown.

"He says that you're just shy." Koko teases. I glare daggers at Natsume who shrugs in the awkwardness.

"I AM NOT GOING OUT WITH HIM." I yell at Koko and then turn to Natsume,"I'M NOT GOING OUT WITH YOU NATSUME!!" I stomp and we finally make it to the Bakery.

You know how I said that I knew the right person to help me get through this? Well I was wrong!!! I don't know the right person to get me through this. All I know is that Natsume is totally the last person I'll ever consider!!!

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