How it all began

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Kenny,Stan,Kyle,and Cartman were all waiting outside of the bus stop for the bus.

"Hey f-fellas"Butters greeted walking

"Hey Butters"Stan and Kyle said at the same time

"Hey fag"Cartman hardly said

"Hey Buttercup"Kenny said flirty

"What are you wearing"Stan asked,Noticing that Butters wasn't wearing his baby blue shirt

"Oh its an old shirt m-my cousin Marjorie gave it t-to me,Today its her birthday s-so I thought I could w-wear it to r-remember her"Butters explain

"Aw,That's so cute dude"Kenny giggled

Butters then blushed and Cartman started to chuckled thinking of a plan.

The bus soon came and they got to school,After few hours of mind numbing lecture about math or something like that.

They all went to lunch and Butters was walking behind Kenny.

Kenny,Stan,and Kyle walked out of line and walked to their table and saw Cartman started to giggle uncontrollably behind their table.

"Fatass,What the hell are you doing?"Stan asked

"I'm going to pull the biggest prank on Butters"Cartman explained

"What the hell are you doing to my Buttercup"Kenny asked angrily

"Oh relax fag"Cartman started

"I'm just going to dump some food on him,When he walks up to sit with us"Cartman explained

"Cartman no,Don't do that you asshole that shirt means a lot to Butters"Stan said

"Yeah that's taking it to far"Kyle added

"Shuts up you stupid Jew,Oh here he comes"Cartmanm said while Butters walked up with his plate of food

Butters came up happily skipping with a big innocent smile on his face,When he got up to the table Cartman " accidentally"Spilled his chocolate milk on the floor

Butters then slips on it and feel right on his face with all his food landed all over his face and his special shirt.

Butters was coverd in hot disgusting school food and he smelled like broccoli,meatless lasagna and weird ice fruit favor  ice cream.

Butters could hear the chim of laughter coming all over the cafeteria.

Tears were fulling up in poor Butters face,Everyone was laughing and pointing at him and some were even taking pictures and recording.

Kenny,Stan,and Kyle were staring with sympathy and regret that they didn't try to stop Cartman.

But then everyone noticed something

Butters started to breath heavily with tears flowing down faster then the river,He then got up and ran out of the cafeteria.

"Butters!"Kenny shouted running to get him

Kenny ran as fast as he could to get Butters and then he looked around to find him.

He then saw him in the front office

"Is Butters okay?"Kenny asked

"Yes,He fine however he will be going home"The office lady told him

"Can I talk to him?"Kenny asked sweetly

"Make it quick"She said

He walk around to see Butters who was curled up in a fetal position against the wall muttering to himself.

"Butters"Kenny whispered

Then a loud horn nosie came from outside then Butters slowly got up and walked up to Kenny.

"I have to go,I'll talk to you later"Butters said emotionaless 

Then walked away to his mother who was driving him home.

The guilt was eating him alive he didn't know what to do but he did know that he was going to make that fat son of a bitch apologize for hurting his little Buttercup.

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