Butters POV

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Butters was in his room looking out the window feeling like an awful person.

"This is all my fault"Butters thought

"I never should of brought Marjorie back,If I didn't Craig,Tweek,and Eric would still be here"Butters thought

Then he landed on his bed and started to sobbed then then last voice he wanted to here was calling his name.

"Butters"Marjorie whispered

Butters then put his hands on his head covering his ears trying to drown her out.

"NO G-GO AWAY"Butters shouted

"Butters its going to be okay,I'm here to help you"Marjorie sweetly whispered


Hiting his head on the metal rail on his bed

"We had a deal"Marjorie remind him

Butters shouted sobbing

Then a loud slam of a door came and Butters father came out with an anger expression.

"Butters what are you yelling at?"Mr.Scotch asked

Butters looked around and saw no one

"No one"Butters answered

"Well you better stop or you grounded mister,No come downstairs to eat dinner"He demanded

Butters then walked downstairs and went to the kitchen, Butters just stared at his food and thought about Marjorie and what she might do next or if she going to do anything at all.

"Butters what's wrong?"Mrs.Scotch asked

"N-nothing?, Why?"Butters asked his mother

"Your friend Kenny told me you told him about Marjorie"She told him

"He...he did"Butters stutter scared

"Yes,And I think it great that your talking about her again"She smiled

"See Butters you need me"Marjorie whispered

"No"Butters whispered,Covering his ears and closing his eyes

"Kenny is going to hurt you,He going to hurt us both"Marjorie whispered louder.

"No, I-I like Kenny a-alot and he like my b-best friend"Butters whispered softly cried

"He going to hurt you, Its obviously I know who I have to take the blame for everything"Marjorie decided

"No, He innocent a-and he was just t-trying to help me"Butters begged

"I'M THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN HELP YOU!"Marjorie shouted angrily

"Butters?,Honey are you okay?"
Mrs.Scotch asked worried

"No,M-marjorie your not allowed t-to use my body a-anymore"
Butters shouted with tears streaming down his face

"Butters what wrong?"Ms.Scotch asked holding his hand

"Fine Butters,If you won't willing let me use your body then I'll just have to take it"Marjorie said to Butters one last time

Then Butters fell right on the floor his body was beginning to move around constantly and then he completely frozed.

"Butters"Mrs.Scotch cried

Then Butters got up, His eyes yet again turn green

"Butters you stop acting out right now or your grounded mister"Mr.Soctch yelled

Butter then grabbed a Butter knife and stabbed him right in his eye,He then fell to the floor and died from blood loss.

Butters then walked away and was heading out the door

"Butters!"Ms.Soctch shouted while holding her husband

"I'm not Butters"He softly whispered

"Then who are you?"She asked crying

He then let out a sinister grin
and slowly turn to her

"Marjorie"She whisper then ran right out of the door

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