Stopping Marjorie

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"What are you doing here"
Marjorie asked with a light growl

"Saving Butters and Kyle"Stan answered

"You can't help Butters!ONLY I CAN!"Marjorie shouted hysterically

"Killing everyone Butters cares about isn't helping him"Wendy shouted

"Oh,I am no even close to done with my plan"Marjorie muttered evily

"What?"Stan asked

Then Marjorie soul jumped out of Butters body and flys around the room,Butters body falls on the ground going limp.

Kenny immediately ran to Butters and held him tightly

Marjorie shouted and dive to Kenny

Then before she could do anything to Kenny Wendy shout out her gun and weird ghost slim came out of it.

"Oh cool like ghostbusters"Stan said

Then shot his gun at her

Marjorie dodge their shots and went right into in to Wendys body and did her signature evil grin and then used the back of the gun to hit Kyle in the hit killing him immediately.

"Kyle!"Stan cried

Then he put down his his ghost neutralizing weapon and tackled Wendy down and hit her
Repeatedly and constantly over over again going harder letting his anger not hold him back a bit.

Then when he stopped Wendy fave was cover with her own blood and had cuts,bruises, and deep gashes.

Her eyes were glowing  and she was  laughing uncontrollably then she flew right out of Wendy's body leaving her cold dead body behind her.

Stan cried moving away from her

Then Marjorie grabbed Stan and took him all the way to the roof and then let him go.

Stan fell face first to the ground he broke his neck,leg,and both arms.

"Stan,Kyle"Kenny sobbed

"And...Wendy I guess"Kenny said then went back to crying about his friends

Then Kenny could feel Butters slowly waking up but before Kenny could say anything to him,Marjorie grabbed him and then placed him on then ground.

She held him down by his neck slowly straggling him then she got out on old rusty blad and placed it right in his chest.

Kenny wasn't scared of dying he just doesn't want to die right now,He didn't know what she was doing and he just wanted to help Butters.

Then she placed it deeper in his chest he closed his eyes waiting for the pain,Then he felt the knife get off his skin and saw the knife next to.

Marjorie soul then fell next to him he was that the ghout neutralizing gun slim on her back.

He looked around and then he saw Butters holding the neutralizing gun he was also shaking like crazy while tears fell out of his eyes.

Kenny immediately ran to him and held him tightly,Butters started to sob uncontrollably while Kenny held him.

"Its okay"Kenny whispered

"Its all my fault"Butters sobbed

"What?"Kenny asked

"It's m-my fault M-marjorie is back"Butters cried

"How?"Kenny asked

Butters then held him tightly and then he told him everything

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