Paranormal Mistress

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Kenny was pacing his room replaying his talk with Mrs. Scotch then he heard the front door and he ran downstairs and answered the door.

"What took you so long?"Kenny shouted and dragged them into his bedroom

"Dude what the hell"Stan asked

"Marjorie... Ghost...maybe...Something"Kenny stuttered

"What?"Stan and Kyle both asked

"I talked to Butters's mom and she said that Marjorie been dead for
4 years"Kenny shouted scared

"What...That impossible"Kyle said

"I know but...I think Butters's cousin possess him"Kenny thought

"Okay,Let's say he did how do we find that out?"Stan asked

"I did some research and I found some girl named the paranormal Mistress,She might be able to help us"Kenny explained

"Okay,Where is she?"Kyle asked

"It doesn't say her actual address but it said she lived by South Park lake on the west side"Kenny told them

"Wow,That's where all the really rich asshole live"Stan said amazed

Then they all went thorough South Park Lake and and found a lots of nice big houses with beautiful gardens and clean streets.

They waked though thinking that they would find like a small cabin of maybe a sign, They honestly didn't know what to expect.

They didn't look like anyone who lived their so they were immediately noticed for being different.

"Hey where are you from?"Asked one man

"Um...South Park just like you"Kenny answered

"You must be from the poor side of town"His wife added

"What are you boys doing here"The man asked

"Were looking for the paranormal Mistress"Stan answered

"Oh please, That Paranormal Mistress is nothing but a nut case,Their is no such thing as the paranormal and you are wasting her time"The man said then walked away

"Man that guy is a jackass"Stan muttered

"But he might be right,You know what thus whole thing is dumb I'm out of here"Kyle said

"Kyle wait where are you going?"Kenny asked

"I'm going to talk to Butters,Theis  whole Experience must be traumatizing for him"Kyle said then walked away

"Sorry,Dude I'm going with him"Stan decided and walked with Kyle

Kenny rolled his eyes and walked around then he saw a little boy walk up to him.

"Are you looking for the Paranormal Mistress?"He sweetly asked

"Yes"Kenny answered

"I know where she is,Her hideout is behide the only apple tree"He told him

"How do you know that?"Kenny asked

"I went to her once,She is amazing"He told him then walked away

Kenny went behind the tree but saw nothing, He gave it an odd look and then he could feel the floor under him disappear and he fell he then landed on a small couch.

Then a teenage black girl with black hair and Brown eyes,Wearing a short black dress
and high heels.

"What are you doing here"She asked

"Um...Are you the paranormal mistress?"Kenny asked

"Yes,And you"She asked

"I'm someone who's desperate and needs your help"Kenny said

She then smiled and walked way and he got up and followed her.

"Now,I don't help just anyone so you better have a a good case"She told him as she did some of her work

"Okay,Well my boyfriend had a cousin and she had an obsession with him and now I think she might be trying to kill everyone he knows"Kenny explained

"That's sounds...Different"She then did some research

"What is her name again?"She asked typing on her computer

"Marjorie Scotch"Kenny answered

She went on her computer and then she smiled

"Found something"She shouted

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