Deal with God

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After Kenny died he went to heaven and looked to find his friends but he came up short.

He knew his friends have to be around here somewhere they were all good people...okay so maybe not Cartman but they had to be here.

Kenny then gave up and decided to speak to the man in charge himself.


Kenny have met God many times but this will be the first time he actually makes a deal with him.

He walked up the stairs way to heaven or God's house

And went inside where he was greeted by a secretary

"Hello sir,How can I help you?"
The lady in the front desk asked

"Can I um...Meet God?"Kenny nervously asked

Then a loud gasp came out of everyone within a 1O feet ratios

"Why?"She asked suspiciously

"I want to bring my friends back"Kenny simply explain

"Well,I'm sorry but unless yours friends life were taken away for um...Selfish reasons"She informed him

"They did"Kenny told her

"Well you need to have more resources that can back you up"She told him

"He does"Said a familiar female voice

Kenny turn his head to see Marjorie behind him,She looked a lot like Butters they both have blonde hair and bleu eyes only Butters eyes are brighter.

"I can help him Prove that his friends lifes were unfairly taken away"Marjorie offered

"Well alright please wait in the hall"She told them

They both walk together and sat down together and Kenny couldn't help himself but glare at her.

"What are you doing here"Kenny sneered

"What do you mean?,I'm dead"
Marjorie stated sarcastically

"No,I mean your in heaven you killed 6 people and cause 1 to commit suicide"Kenny asked angrily

"I was in heaven before I did anything,I guess that sent me back"Marjorie said

Before Kenny could say anything back him and Marjorie were called to see God.

They both walked inside and saw God himself

He was sitting in a chair he was a vary big man and vary holy.

"Kenny its nice to see you again"God greeted him

"Marjorie"God coldly greeted her

"Hello"Both Kenny and Marjorie greeted together

"Now,excuse me for my language

"What?"Kenny asked

"You stay quite,Marjorie what is the matter with you"God shouted

"You see this is why I never grant second chances,Cause when I do that just end up going on a wild killing spring or something"God complain

"Um...Sorry to interject"Kenny interjected

"But...Can we talk about bringing my friends back?"Kenny asked

"We don't need to I know what happened"God reassured him

"You do?,How"Kenny asked

"Oh gezz I don't know,Oh I know I AM GOD"God shouted

"Right, Can you bring him back?"Kenny begged

"I will under a two conditions"God said

Both Kenny and Marjorie nodded their heads

"One:You have to go to hell"God said to Marjorie

She just nodded her head

"Two: none of your friends who are currently in heaven will remember anything"He finished

"Wait, So Butters will still remember?"Kenny asked

" unfortunately yes"God said

Kenny thought about and nodded

"Good"God then open the portal to Hell from Marjorie to walkthrough she waves goodbye to Kenny but first said

"Take care of Butters"She said then went through

Then Kenny could feel himself going being born again then he again like always woke up in his bed.

He then ran back to school to see if his friends were their

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