I love you Butters

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"I love you"Kenny repeated

"No,No you don't!,Butters he lying"Marjorie shouted

"No I'm not"Kenny argued

"Butters,I have tried to ignore my feelings for you for years,But I do love you and I'm so sorry I didn't say it earlier"Kenny cried

Butters looked at Kenny with a few tears coming down his face then a slow smile formed.

"Oh,Ken I l-love you to"Butters cried

Then he ran to hug Kenny tightly and Kenny hugged him back tighter.

Their happy moment was cut short when they heard Marjorie sobbing.

"Marjorie?"Butters called with sympathy

"I-I just wanted to be with you forever(sob) I just wished that we could still be together"Marjorie sobbed wiping away her tears

Then Butters and Kenny looked at her they actually felt bad,Seeing that she wasn't the monster they thought she was.

"Now you hate me"Marjorie cried

"Marjorie, I-I don't hate y-you,N-never hated you"Butters said

"Well you seem to hate me when you vowed to never see me again"Marjorie growled

"Oh,Marjorie t-that was j-just because you were acting l-like a crazy psycho bitch"Butters explained

"But...If I can be their for you who will?"Marjorie cried

"Kenny will, He a-aways help m-me and I have...W-well had great friends who helped me"Butters said

Marjorie then looked at Butters and then around the building,She saw the bloody scene around her and everything she have done.

"I'm so sorry"Marjorie whisper with tears falling down her face

"Marjorie can you please j-just go"Butters begged


"Please"Butters cried

Marjorie said nothing but nodded her head and like the wind she was gone and instantly disappear.

Butters walked back to Kenny arms and held him tightly with tears that just ketp falling.

Kenny kissed Butters forehead to confront him,Butters couldn't stop shaking then they heard police sirens.

Kenny looked out the window to see that then building was surrounded.

"Please come out with your hands up"
Some random officer shouted in his blow horn

"No"Butters shouted/Cried

Kenny and Butters walked away from the window and held him in the middle of the room and held him.

"Butters,Don't cry I'll take the blame for everything"Kenny said

"You don't u-understand, My mom saw m-me kill my dad t-they know I d-did it"Butters cried

Kenny thought about it and he knew that Butters was right,He couldn't let Butters entire life be ruin because of something he didn't do,Then he had an idea.

"Butters"Kenny whispered holding Butters adorable face

"What?"Butters asked

"I love you"Kenny said

"I love y-you to"Butters nodded

Kenny could feel tears falling

He let go of him and walked away from Butters and put a knife to his chest.

Butters immediately panicked and ran to Kenny

"Kenny please no"Butters cried

"Butters I promise that everything will be okay,and everything that happened will all just go away"Kenny promised


"Just stay here and don't let anyone come near you"Kenny told him and then gave him a quick kiss

Then put the blade right in on chest and then her felt to the ground with blood poring out,Until he was fanilly was unconscious and Butters held him with tears streaming down his face.

"I love you"Butters whispered then kissed Kenny's forehead

"Please come back"Butters thought

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