Cartman and Marjorie's date

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Carman and Marjorie have just left the Cafe and they were holding hands down the street.

Craig and Tweek was on the other side of the street looking at them.

"Hey C-craig do GAH know w-who
She i-is"Tweek asked hold a cup coffee

"No clue but Wendy sure not going to like her"Craig said as they walked away

Marjorie and Cartman walked hand and hand

"So anywhere you want to go?"Cartman asked with fake kindness

"Well... Call me old fashion but I thought maybe we could could have a nice dinner at your house"Marjorie said flirty running one fingers up and down Cartman big chest

Cartman smirked and took her hand and dragged her to his house,Cartman mother was out so him and Marjorie had the entire place to themselves.

Cartman sat Marjorie next to him on his couch and he dimed the lights and gave he a small cup of wine.

"Do you drink"Cartman asked handing her the glass

"I will with you"She winked

"Um...Eric?I know we just met but do you maybe want to go further"Marjorie seductively asked

Cartman grow another smirk and lean in to kiss Marjorie she turn her head and winked indicating that she was a huge tease.

Cartman smirked and walked to the kitchen to get another bottle

While he was gone Marjorie pulled 3 pills out of her bra and dropped it in Cartman's cup.

He came back and sat down and and took a sip while she smiled and watched him.

"So Butters must be a pain to be related to" Cartman said while kissing her neak

"Actually I could see why you might think that"Marjorie said pouring her drink in a near by flower pot

"But Butters is actually a big part of my life"She continued as her pinned Cartman down of the couch

"And I would do anything for him"
She whispered in her ear

And then she leaned in to closer to his face and then he felt a sharp knife on his neck.

"And I would do anything to anyone who's trys to hurt him"She growled

She then she stabbed him in the throat,Which blood pouring out from his mouth.

Then she pushed him on the ground and kicked punched him in the face and stabbed him in the stomach.

Then he was slowly dying she smiled seeing his almost dead body on the floor,She decided to take advantage of his vulnerability to whisper one last thing in his ear.

"You should of been nicer to Butters then you would of lived longer"Then she stabbed him though the heart

Cartman died immediately and she washed herself off and put her knife back in her purse, Then she washed out both her and Cartman wine cups and walked out of His house like nothing happened.

On her way home back to Butters she takes out her phone and calls Butters,It immediately gose to voicemail which she expected and left him a quick and easy voicemail.

"Hey Butters I'm on my way home and my date with Carman went great and I really hope to go out with him,Love you"Marjorie gushed and walks to Butters house innocently

Then a evil grin growing across her face

Marjorie's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now