Then next victim

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Butters then changed his clothes and cover the faded pool of blood with a old raggedy blanket and then answered the door.

He open the door and he was surprise to see Craig

"Craig?,What are y-you doing here?"Butters asked

"Tweek is freaked out about Cartman death so he wanted me to come door to door to see if anyone was a murderer"Craig told him

"And you a-actually are?"Butters asked

" Apparently"Craig sighed

"Well n-nothing is going o-on here so you c-can go back to Tweek"Butters smiled

"Are you alright?, You look like you saw a ghost"Craig asked

"I'm fine,I am just tired that's all"Butters innocently said then slammed then door hard and then ran upstairs

Butters went to his room and then held his head and banged his head against the Wall.

Craig could see Butters bagging his head,He doing it near them window and he could almost hear his loud sobbing.

He immediately felt bad and wanted to see if he okay so he walked to Butters backdoor picked the lock to get in.

"Butters?,Are you okay"Craig shouted walking up the stairs

When he got up he was Butters run faster then the speed of ligth to the close door marked

Marjorie Room
Keep out of all times!

"Butters"Craig knocked

"Craig you have to go before she attacks you!"Butters warned him

"She?Who she"Craig asked

Then he heard nothing, Nothing but empty silence then he saw the door slowly open and he was Marjorie.

"Butters try to warn you but you just couldn't listen"Marjorie whispered walking up to him with her blood cover knife

"What did you do to Butters"Craig softly said backing away

"Butters fine,But you won't be"Marjorie threatened

"I'm not scared of you"Craig confidently shouted

"You will be"Marjorie whispered

Then she tackle him down with a bladed right at his neck, Craig however was able to over power her and shoved her right on the floor.

Once he was off her he ran to the door and grabbed tightly on the handle,But before he could get out of the house Marjorie grabbed him by his waist and tossed him on the floor again.

Craig hit his head on one of the tables leg and have a big deep gash on his forehead.

Craig was losing a lot of blood and he felt weak much to weak to get up much let put up a good fight.

Marjorie walked to Craig and grabbed him by his hair and slit his throat his eyes went to the back of his head and his entire body went limp,Craig died immediately.

Marjorie gave him an evil grin and then carried His body and put it in a duffle bag.

She then walked to then back of a dumpster, The same dumpster officer Yates was currently in.

She then ran home being safe to make sure no one saw her and then she went home and then she close her eyes again.

Once they were open Butters came back seeing everything Marjorie did he began to cry.

"Marjorie promise"He sobbed then he fished cleaning the evidence

"I have to talk to Marjorie, This can't keep happening to my friends"Butters decided going to bed

Little did Butters know Marjorie violence murders we're just starting and she had no intentions on stopping anytime soon.

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