Marjorie and Butters interrogation

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Few police cars drove up to the Scotch's house and knocked on the door loudly and make sure they were heard.

Then Marjorie open the door

Her hair was wet and and she was wearing a light green crop top and black short shorts.

"Yes,Can I help you?"She asked innocently batting her eyes

"Um...yeah I'm sergeant Yates are you Marjorie?"He asked trying to make complete eye contact with her

"Yes,Why ask"She asked seductively

"Um...We have a report of a murder of Eric Carman"Yates said

"Oh alright"Then she let them in

"So when did you get home last night,After your date with Mr.Cartman

"Around 6"Marjorie clamly answered

"Okay now did you and Eric have any sexual contact"Officer Yates asked

"What?"Marjorie asked

"You know did you sleep with him,Give him a blowjob,Did...

"Okay I understand,And No"
Marjorie said slight annoyed

"I'm sorry did I offend"Officer Yates asked

"No...I'm sorry it just like really liked him and..."Marjorie then started to cry

Officer Yates then gave her a Comforting hug

"It just I liked him a lot and when Butters told me he was gone I just fell apart he just seem so nice"Marjorie sobbed

"I wish I could of done something"
Marjorie Continued to cry

Its alright"Officer Yates

Then he was an obviously distraught young girl in front of him and made a quick,rash,and admittedly stupid Decision.

"You know what you seem like a nice girl who wouldn't hurt anyone, So your off the hook"Officer Yates gave her another hug

While they were hugging she had an evil grin across her face and then when she moved back to distraught young girl when he looked at her face.

Then he got up and walked back to the police station

Then she walked to Butters room and left him a sweet note

"Butters I'm going out again I still have a few things to take care of before your complete safe and we can be together forever"-Marjorie

Ps.When/If the cops come to interview you don't tell them
For me

Hours after Marjorie interrogation to police wanted to talk to Butters and get his point of view.

The police came a little later to see Butters

Butters was in his bedroom and he looked at Marjorie's note and then sadly looked at the floor and walked outside to let the police officer in.

"Alright kid you know anything about Cartman death?"Officer Yates asked

"Well gezz t-the last time i-i saw Eric is when h-he  apologize for making f-fun of me"Butters honesty answered

"Okay well then we'll just investigate more"Officer Yates said

"No"Butters shouted

"What?"Yates asked

"Please forget about Eric"Butters Begged

"What?Why,Wasn't he your friend?"Officer Yates asked

"Yes,But she'll hurt someone else"Butters cried

"She'll,Who is she?"Officer Yates asked

Then Butters close his eyes then open them again but his face was completely emotionless.

"Cartman is dead like he should be"Butters muttered emotionless

"What?"Yates asked confused

"Butters is safe from the abuse Carman put him though,Butters is save and if you drop the case and forget all about Eric everyone will be okay"Butters said emotionless but his voice higher

"What,Look kid if you know what's good for you you'll be communicated"Yates shouted

"My name isn't kid"
Butters voice become higher with his eyes close

" Leopold?"
Officer Yates asked


Butters eyes then turned for blue to green as she stabbed Officer Yates in the stomach grab his hair and slit his throat.

He pulled him out of the house and dumped him in a near by dumpster.

"You shouldn't have try to take Butters away from me,You would of lived longer"Marjorie whispered then closed the lid

She then went back home an then Butters opened his eyes again and then saw the pool of blood on the floor.

"Oh gezz Marjorie look what y-you got me i-into"Butters sadly said then slowly cleaned the mess

While he was in the middle of cleaning he heard a knock on the door.

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