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(A/N:PM= paranormal Mistress)

She showed Kenny her screen and then the first photo was her holding a small baby that looked just like Butters.

"Wait?"Kenny said

"Is that Butters"Kenny asked

"Maybe,She apparently the new face of obsessive love disorder"PM said

"What is that?"Kenny asked

"It when your love for someone gose from normal to obsession,It is vary rare but someone who has it can be a danger to others"PM
Informed him

"That would make since but it thought ghosts only came back if they had unfinished business"Kenny asked

"They do,She must have something to finish with Butters,Either way she can't just go around killing people"PM told him

Then she walked to her building table and then quickly made something and then she handed Kenny 4 small hand held guns.

"What is this for?"Kenny asked

"You can use this to neutralize the ghost it temporarily takes away all is ghostly abilities until you can figure out a plan"She enplaned to him

She handed him the guns,Then he gave her a confused look

"Your not coming?"Kenny asked

"Wish I could but I have some work to do,Beside no ones knows I do this"PM informed him

Then she move Kenny to a spot on her rug and went to the other side of her hideout.

"Good Luck"She said

Then pulled a lever that took him right out of her hideout and back to Apple tree he was earlier.

Kenny looked at the weapons he was given then ran back home as fast as possible home.

Once he got their he hide his guns under his bed and went to Kyles house.

Ike answered the door

"Ike where's Kyle"Kenny said quickly

"He went to Butters house,Something about him wanting to talk to him"Ike told him

"Oh,No"Kenny whispered

"Um...thanks Ike"Kenny shouted running to Butters house

Kenny immediately ran back home put all of the ghost neutralizing weapons in a duffel bag and to Butters house.

A/N:Sorry about the relatively short chapter but trust me you'll get a lot better from here

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