Meeting Marjorie

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Kenny walked back to class and counted the miunes and seconds that school ends so he could go see Butters.

When the last bell rang Kenny ran out the school doors and out to the front field.

"Kenny!,Kenny!wait"Kyle shouted trying to catch up to Kenny

"What?"Kenny asked

"Since your already going to Butters house,Were coming with you so fatass here can apologize"Stan explain

Kenny rolled his eyes and continued to Butters house,Kenny walked up to Butters front door and knocked.

"Now asshole remember to say your sorry and be sincere or fake being sincere"Kyle remind him

Butter then open the door with a huge smiled on his face

"Oh Hi guys"Butters greeted

"Butters Cartman wanted to say something to you"Stan growled

"Fine,I'm sorry"Cartman moan irritated

"Oh geez y-you don't have t-to apologize,Beside i-i am not mad"Butters sweetly forgive Cartman

"But I thought that shirt was special?"Kenny asked

"It is s-so I called M-marjorie and she s-said she will stay with me f-for the entire week"Butters gushed

"Oh that great,Can we meet her?"Kenny asked

"Of course b-but she i-in the shower right n-now but you can see her later today at t-the cafe around 6"Butters suggested

"Great we'll be their"Kenny said

Butters then happily close the door and Kenny,Stan,Kyle,and Cartman walked away.

"Were not really going to see that faggot cousin are we?"Cartman asked

"Yes,We are fatass"Kyle shouted

"Why"Cartman wine

"Because its your fault she had to come and take care of Butters in the first place"Kyle harshly explained

"Yeah and it well mean a lot to Butters"Stan added

"Fine,But if she "oh hamburgers"I'm going to...

"Your not going to do jack shit fatass"Kyle said

"Hey fuck you Jew"Cartman shouted

"Both of you shuts up"Stan stopped it

Later they went to go meet Butters Cousin Marjorie at South Park local and only Cafe.

"Hey guys I just realized something"Kyle said

"What?"Stan asked

"We have no idea what this Marjorie girl looks like"Kyle said

"I image she looks like Butters"Kenny thought

"Yeah,But what if she looks nothing like Butters who the hell are we going to know who she is"Kyle explained

"Well... Maybe...

And Before Stan could finish his sentence they all heard the door open.

A woman with long blonde curly hair,Light blue eyes,red lips with a thin layer of cherry lipbom,wearing a long sleeve blue shirt and a short white skrit.

"Hi I'm looking for Stan,Kyle, Cartman,and Kenny"The woman said to Stan

"Oh that's us"Stan said

"I'm Stan,That my boyfriend Kyle,My friend Kenny and he Carman"Stan introduce them to her

"Well its nice to meet you all I'm Marjorie, Butters was so excited to show me to y'all"Marjorie gushed

"And its a it wonderful to meet you to"Carman said waking up to her

Kyle rolled his eyes

"So where Butters?"Kenny asked

"Oh,He got grounded for coming home with stains,But he just wanted Me to meet you so badly that he begged he to go"Marjorie explain

"Well were happy to meet you"Carman smiled

"Oh,Which one are you?"Marjorie asked cutely

"I'm Eric"Cartman answered

"Oh,Butters told me a lot about you"She said while dragging her fingers across his chest

"Um...Hey fatass you have a girlfriend"Kyle whispered

"Shuts up"Cartman harshly muttered

"You want to go out?"Carman asked

"What about your friends?"Marjorie asked

"They won't mind"Carman said then dragged her away

When both Carman and Marjorie were out of earshot Kyle turn to Stan and Kenny in complete confusion.

"Should we tell Wendy?"Stan suggested

"Nah,She find out soon enough"Kyle said

Then they all walked home not know the danger Carman is in for.

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