Marjorie's Plan in action

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Marjorie ran as fast she could in Butters body,Her plan was to find a place to hide out in but she just didn't know where.

While she was running she saw one of Butters Friends

"Butters"Kyle shouted

Marjorie looked around worried and then she got an idea

"Hey fella"Marjorie greeted doing her best Butters impression

"Hey,Are you alright"Kyle asked

"Oh,I'm just walking around"Butters answered

"Are you okay"Kyle asked

"I'm fine,Why?"Marjorie asked

"Because your not stuttering"Kyle pointed out

"Oh,I guess it just sort of disappear"Marjorie giggled

Then she had an idea

"Hey Kyle,Can you help me"Marjorie asked

"Sure,Butters"Kyle said

"I think my cousin Marjorie might be endangered"Marjorie said with a same wine

"What?"Kyle asked

"Well she told me that she was really scared about all the deaths that were going on and that she was worried that something might happen to me,So she said that she was going to the highest building
I'm town to...."She then trailed off

"Then she um...going to do something"Marjorie quickly said

"Oh okay"Kyle said then he took her hand and then they ran to South Park highest building

When they got their Kyle walked inside first and then Marjorie ran to the other side and grabbed a small duffle bag full with something.

"Butters?"Kyle called out

Then an evil laugh so loud can be heard all though out the room

Then Marjorie wearing her normal clothes walked up to him

"What are you doing here, Where's Butters"Kyle asked

"Butters is fine bit you won't be"Marjorie said then grabbed Kyle by his neck

She then held him down and started to strangle him,Kyle almost blacked out but before he could aloud gunshot came on.

Marjorie jumped right off of Kyle which gave him the chance to run.

Then Kenny,Stan,and Wendy came in all had guns the Paranormal Mistress gave him,The all aimed it at her.

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