Kenny's theory

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They all went to Stan's house and use Stan's closet to sort out the current murders and hopefully stop any other that might happen.

Stan placed all the photos in a random order on his closet door to time they were murdered and to how they were killed.

"So let's see their have to be a pattern here"Kyle said looking at the door

"Yeah,But what?"Kenny asked looking at it

Then they heard the a loud surprise to hear the TV sounded very loud,They all ran to it and saw they news was on.

"Braking news"
The male reporter said

"Turn it up"
Kyle demanded as Kenny grabbed the remote

"We are currently outside the house where a young boy named Tweek Tweak took his oun life"The report explained

"Tweek...Killed himself?"Stan whispered

"The young boys family is vary upset to have lost their only child"The reporter said turn the camera on Tweek distraught family

"We have the young boys suicide note,For personal reasons we won't tell you word for word why he took his oun life but it was about have his boyfriend death and him not being able to live without him and wanted to be with him forever even in death"The report basicly explain why he committed suicide

"Like we said complete confidential,But we are try to stop the murder so one else gets killed or commited suicide because of it"The reporter ended it and Kenny turned off the TV

They just stood their shocked none of them said a word,After a few minutes they heard the door open.

"Stan"Randy called for him walking inside the house

"Um...Yeah dad?"Stan replied

"You boys get out of the house"Randy demand

"What?Why?"Stan asked

"Because of the murders that been happening we need the house to be more protected" Sharon explained

Stan,Kyle, and Kenny walked outside and thought about what happened.

"Okay I'll say it"Kyle began

"Tweek is dead and so Craig and to a lesser extend Cartman"Kyle continued

"Yeah,But why?Stan said

"This place wasn't perfect but it wasn't dangerous what could have possibly happen now to just a week ago"Stan thought aloud

Then something hit Kenny like a brick

"Marjorie"Kenny whispered

"What?"Kyle asked annoyed

"No think about it,Before she came everything was weird and crappy but now someone seems to be dying everyday"Kenny explain his theory

"What no,Beside you don't have any proof"Kyle said

"Well then I'll find proof"Kenny said

"Right and while you go and interrogate Butters family we're going to go find some real Clues"Stan said taking Kyle hand

Kenny just narrowed his eyes at them and was about to shout something but then he realized that Kyle and Stan were right he couldn't prove that Marjorie did anything.

But boy was he going to

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