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Paul absolutely couldn't get sleep that night. He had a stare down with the alarm clock, counting down the seconds until it was midnight to get up and shower as quickly as possible. He had slipped on sweats, an old band shirt and his sweater. He had almost run out the flat without sneakers, luckily he looked down before he stepped out into the hall of his little place.

John and Ritchie were waiting downstairs, they were the ones who were gonna take him to George after all. Well, maybe when they're done making out anyways. Paul groaned and knocked countless times on the front window before they actually pulled away, cheeks red and hair tousled.

"Is there ever a time when you two don't have your tongues shoved down each other's throats?" Paul groaned when he was finally able to get inside the car.

"Yeah but now just wasn't one of those times," John smirked and tangled his fingers through his lover's hair. "Now where is it that your precious boyfriend lives?"

"Manchester," Paul yawned, glancing down at his phone to see that it was already 12:36 am. "Not that far away from us."

"Good," Ritchie yawned and rubbed his eyes before sitting up and adjusting the mirror in front of him. "Buckle up, don't kick my seat, and don't try to distract me while I drive."

"Got it." Paul said and laid down in the back seat, closing his eyes to burn down the minutes that he wasn't with George.

"I'll try my best," John smirked and reached over for Ritchie's left hand. He intertwined their fingers together and kissed their knuckles affectionately. "But I can't make any promises."

Paul laughed softly from the back and smiled. "Alright alright," he giggled. "Onwards to Manchester!"

"Onwards!" The other two laughed and the engine roared to life.

So long London, hello Manchester.

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