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"I presume this is your stop?" Ritchie looked back and shook Paul slightly.

The younger man yawned and rubbed his eyes, blinking to get used to the hazy light that surrounded him. He dug through his pockets and looked down at his phone, 1:48 am. He looked around the street and grinned. Here he was, directly in front of George's house.

"Thanks guys." Paul grinned shyly and picked up his backpack from the floor of the car. He had his hand on the window before finally getting out of the car and walking down the endless driveway of George's home.

At the doorstep, Paul almost broke down. He was actually here and George was actually in there, probably sleeping, most likely not. Paul chuckled, he knew George like the back of his hand at this point.

@jpmacca: geo

@jpmacca: i need to tell you something

@harisun: it's almost 2 am wtf fam

@jpmacca: open your door

@harisun: my door

@harisun: ???

@jpmacca: YES UR DOOR


@harisun: *DONT

@jpmacca: WELL HURRY


Paul grinned at his own text, waiting anxiously at George's doorstep as he heard noises from inside. Right behind the door were footsteps and Paul almost fainted. Those footsteps, they belonged to George!

Just as Paul's mind began to wander about George, the door swung open and there stood a rather sleepy George Harold Harrison, age 20, bisexual, and absolutely adorable. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and Paul had to resist the urge to call out at how adorable he was.

When George was awake though, he cried out and wrapped his arms tightly around Paul's neck, burying his head against his shoulder. "Paulie!" He cried out and held on even tighter. "You came, you came! You actually came!"

Paul couldn't really say anything. He only held on tighter to George and squeezed him slightly to let him know he was here, he was real, he wasn't going to leave any time soon. "Did you really think I'd pass up an opportunity like this?" Paul laughed even though he had tears in his eyes.

"Oh Paulie!" George cried out and held onto him like his life depended on it.

"Oh Geo," Paul sighed contently and moved his hands to the younger man's cheeks. He took his face in his hands and pressed a kiss to his forehead, not noticing that his lips were trembling as he did so. George blushed and attached himself to Paul's side. "What do you say you let me in your house? I'm fucking tired man."

"Of course," George giggled and smiled softly, beckoning Paul in. "Anything for you."

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