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@jpmacca: u awake

@jpmacca: ???

@jpmacca: i love youuuuuu

@jpmacca: 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

@harisun: nerd

@harisun: i'm literally next to you

@harisun: we're in the same bed

@harisun: we're fucking cuddling

@jpmacca: kiss meeeeeeee

Paul smiled when felt George's arms tighten around his chest and his lips move against his neck. He made a lazy grab for George's hand and intertwined his fingers with his. "Good morning sunshine," Paul yawned and turned his head to meet the eyes of the oh so curious George. "How'd you sleep?"

"Me?" George giggled and buried his head against Paul's chest when the older man turned over to face him. "I slept great."

"Now where's my good morning kiss?" Paul chuckled and took George's cheeks in his hands, giggling to himself when he saw his lips pucker up the more he held onto George's cheeks. So cute.

"Not here that's for sure." George smiled and crawled on top of Paul's body, legs going around his waist.

Paul smiled and let go of George's cheeks, holding onto his waist instead. George moved closer, taking in the slight hint of cologne that was fading into his sheets. His sheets smelled like Paul, smelled of someone he loved. George didn't realize that Paul was watching him until he felt a soft pair of lips on his. Lips! Paul was kissing him!

George didn't have time to kiss back, he was too flustered to realize that it was only two seconds long, that he was a bit too late to kiss back. "What're you thinking about?" Paul grinned his charming grin and buried his fingers through George's thick, dark hair.

"Nothing much," George shrugged, cheeks red as he licked his lips absentmindedly. "Just you. And that kiss."

"That was barely even a kiss," Paul smirked and pulled George impossibly closer. "That was merely a 'you're super cute and I want your attention' kiss. I haven't given you an 'I love you and you're the light of my life' kiss yet. I'm still waiting for one."

"Well," George smirked. "Can I get that kiss now?"

"Later," Paul winked and brushed back George's hair from his eyes. "Now, we hang out with each other and enjoy each other's presence since I have to leave later."

"Don't remind me." George pouted and snuggled close to Paul's chest, not wanting to leave his side that day.

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