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"So Georgie,"  Paul looked up and kissed down George's neck. "What are we gonna do today?"

"Hang out and stuff," George blushed, pushing Paul away from his neck with his hand. Paul smiled against his palm and kissed it softly, making George blush even more than he could imagine. "That sound good to you?"

"Well," Paul rested his chin on George's shoulder and kissed his neck once more. "Do you have your camera with you by any chance?"

"It's upstairs, I could go get it." George answered and before he got off Paul's lap he turned around to eye him. "Why do you want it?"

"I was thinking," Paul sighed happily and intertwined his fingers with George's. "Maybe you could show me your photo skills, if you don't mind that is."

"I-I mean yeah if you'd like I'd be glad to. But Paulie, don't you wanna just-"

Paul pressed his lips against George's. With wide eyes George tried to kiss back but once again he was too late. The kiss was done. He pouted and hit Paul's arm softly.

"Why do you keep doing that?" George said and slumped in his seat.

"Keep doing what?" Paul hummed softly and combed back George's hair.

"Kissing me without me realizing it. I wanna kiss you." George whined and leaned in to try and kiss Paul but the older man ducked his head.

"Because," Paul smirked. "I wanna give you a real kiss later."

"But you said that last time!" George whined and tried to get closer to Paul again.

"Well I mean it this time!" Paul chuckled and kissed George's head. "Now I was hoping that maybe you could show me to your nearest shower. We have a long day ahead of us don't we baby boy?"

George blushed and went wide eyed. "Go upstairs. The closest one is in my room." He murmured and pulled himself off Paul's lap, looking down until he felt Paul kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair.

Paul yawned softly and went up the stairs, leaving a blushing George downstairs slowly drinking his tea. He sighed softly and put down his cup, biting down on his bottom lip until he hissed slightly when he felt the skin split. He sucked in his bottom lip to stop the bleeding but he couldn't help to let out a laugh. James Paul McCartney was in his home, and he fucking loved him just as much as he did. This was just too good to be fucking true.

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