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"So," George smiled sadly when he saw the car in front of his house. Inside were two men who were smiling at each other in a knowing way, beckoning for Paul with pink cheeks and bright smiles. "I guess this is it?"

"I guess so," Paul smiled sadly and leaned closer to George, ignoring John and Ritchie's teasing from the car. Paul looked back and gave them the finger, only making them laugh harder. He didn't want them to see the tears that were forming in his eyes. It'd kill them. "This is our goodbye."

"Temporarily of course," George coughed and Paul laughed. He took George's hands in his and pressed them to his trembling lips.

"Temporarily," Paul repeated and sighed softly, feeling the tears in his eyes start to roll down his cheeks. God damnit, he promised himself he wouldn't cry. He let go of George's hand to wipe away the tears from his eyes. "I don't wanna go."

"I don't want you to go." George smiled sadly and trailed his hand high on Paul's arm. Small touches of affection like this made Paul more reluctant to want to leave here, where George was. Maybe it was the already close bond they had, but now with George around in real life, Paul knew he was truly in love. He didn't--no--couldn't leave George's side at this point. All he wanted to do was cry and hold him.

"Do I really have to?" Paul whispered into George's ear as he pulled him into a bone crushing hug. George hugged him back tightly nonetheless and buried his face into Paul's shoulder. He sighed sadly and traced his fingers down Paul's back, sending a shiver down his spine. Paul liked these little touches. He knew he'd miss them when he left.

"Sadly," George whispered and pulled away reluctantly. He pushed back Paul's hair with his fingers and kissed his forehead gently. "But you're gonna come back, right?"

"Of course baby," Paul smiled and held his hands tightly in his. "I'll always come back to see you. This is just one of many visits, right?"

"Yeah," George smiled and looked down. "One of many."

"Oi lovebirds," John cried out from the car and laughed slightly from Paul and George's expressions mixed with Ritchie's cute little squeals from the drivers seat. "We don't have all day and we haven't had sex in three weeks. Can you hurry it up?"

"Sod off!" George cried out bravely and Paul's eyes widened at the mention. No one in their right mind would talk back to John like that. Especially if you didn't know him.

Luckily John took it lightly, smirking at the remark like it was cute. Instead he leaned over to get a better view of the two heartfelt men standing at the driveway, holding onto his own lover's hand as if he'd leave the second he let go. The thought made Paul giggle softly, Ritchie, leave him?

"What a lovely couple they are." George smiled as he caught onto the joke Paul had in mind for himself.

"We'd probably make a cuter couple," Paul shrugged and gasped softly when he realized what he had just said. George stood with wide eyes, not being able to make himself move. Only his eyes could move to look at Paul with some form of shock. "I mean, we don't have to be a couple if you don't to. God I'm so stupid for believing that we could've been o-"

George had come out of his shock only to lean in and press his lips against Paul's, not letting him pull away so that he couldn't kiss back. All he wanted was for Paul to kiss back. For their kiss. George grinned when he finally felt Paul relax against him and curl his fingers around his dark hair. Paul's lips were so much smoother than he'd anticipated and they were perfect against his, fitted against one another as if they were meant to be like this. The spark between them was electric, a shiver running down both their spines as their fingers danced around each other's skin with flames igniting them. Hot for skin to cool. God this was amazing.

Just as George had gotten the courage to open his mouth for Paul, the older man had to pull away. He couldn't breathe anymore. "G-George," he huffed and grabbed George's shoulders tightly. "I'll take that as a yes to being a couple?"

"Oh of course!" George squealed, not caring that Paul's friends were dying of laughter in the car. This was more important anyways.

"Will Princess Paulie come to the car? We need to take him back to his palace. Don't worry though, Prince Charming would love to visit you." John called out once again and the men looked at each other knowingly.

"I really have to go Geo," Paul said softly and leaned up to kiss George once again. "I'll see you soon enough though."

"You better come back," George laughed and took Paul's hand in his. "Let me walk you down at least, it's the least I could for you."

"It'd be my pleasure." Paul giggled and looked down when he heard Ritchie's whistles and John's constant laughter.

They had made it to the car and George couldn't stop blushing when he felt the man with blue eyes stare at him with wide eyes. Paul glanced over at John who had no idea that his boyfriend was eyeing Paul's new lover. No matter. It wasn't like Ritchie would leave John. They were way too in love to let go so soon. Paul shrugged it off and encouraged George to do the same, kissing his cheek softly before letting go of his hand and entering the car.

"Text me when you get home, yeah?" George blushed once Paul's window went down all the way.

"Yeah," Paul giggled and stuck his head out, beckoning George closer for another sweet kiss that they both had time for. Perfect. When they pulled away both their faces were red. "I'll text you."

From the front seat was a whistle, it was Ritchie. "Well then Macca," he chuckled and looked back at the younger man. "Had I known you were in love with him I would've left Johnny boy a long time ago! Frick he's hot."

"Oi shut up," John said with red cheeks and furrowed brows. "You still fucking love me!"

"That and I love fucking you." The blue eyed man replied, leaving his lover red faced and speechless.

"Fine, I see how it is." John huffed angrily and shoved his boyfriend's shoulder harshly.

"Oh come on baby, you know I love you." Ritchie cooed, much to John's annoyance, and leaned into John so much that their noses were touching. Though John was still hurt, he still leaned in to kiss him deeply. The way that he melted into the kiss made it clear to Paul and George that they wouldn't be bickering for so long anytime soon.

"I'm so sorry you have to see this," Paul said and took George's hand in his for one last time. He really didn't want to leave. Not now anyways. "When can I see you again?"

"Anytime you'd like," George answered and leaned down to kiss Paul's forehead. "In the meantime you have my Twitter and Skype so we'll just stick to that."

"I'm glad you're real," Paul said shyly as he loosened his grip on George's hand. "Super glad you're real."

"So am I darling," George smiled and wiped his eyes with his free hand. "I love you."

Paul grinned. "Love you too."

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