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"Paulie," George blushed and pulled him back, resting his head against Paul's shoulder. "You still want that photoshoot right?"

"I'd love it," Paul smirked and turned around, cupping George's cheeks in his hands to give him a frustrating kiss. George furrowed his brows and took Paul's hand in his when he saw the cute little smile spread upon those lips. He really needs to stop doing that. "So, where's our first stop?"

"The stupid football arena," George snorted. Paul covered his lips with his free hand and walked a bit faster to catch up with him when George almost dragged him forward. "That'll be the only basic photo we'll have of you."

"Yeah yeah," Paul rolled his eyes and let go of George's hand to comb his hair back. "I'm more concerned about that candy shop over there. Can we go?"

George looked back at the direction Paul was pointing and grinned. He loved going there. One of his favorites if he had to choose. He was a commoner to this shop and the shop keepers knew him by first name basis. After all, George was the shop's best customer. "You wanna go in?" George smirked and rested his hand on Paul's elbow, nudging him forward.

"Oh can we?" Paul squealed with delight and grabbed George's hand, practically dragging him to the store like a child would to their parents.

The door of the store flew open and soon a blonde girl peaked at the doorway, looking towards the two to see if she could find the pretty boy with dark eyes and a thick accent, George. He's so dreamy y'know. The blonde immediately grinned when she realized, yes, it was indeed pretty boy George! "Hey Geo," she squealed and hopped over her counter to go and embrace the man tightly. "Who's this lovely bundle of sunshine?"

"Pattie," George grinned and hugged her tightly, trying hard not to laugh when he saw the way that Paul's brows furrowed in frustration. It was more jealousy than frustration but George chose to ignore it. "I've got a newbie all the way from London! He's an absolute sweetheart and I need chocolate bars, stat!"

The beautiful blonde girl laughed and pressed her thin, slender fingers against her plump ruby red lips. Paul wanted to leave right then. She was so beautiful and all of George's attention was drawn towards her. Paul stepped closer to George and held his hand tightly, so tight that George gasped in surprise. "Paulie," George griped. "What the fuck man? I need this hand y'know."

"Sorry," Paul said, yet he didn't loosen his grip. He didn't care to let George loose around that blonde anyways. "Can we get some of that taffy too?"

"Taffy? What flavor?" George hummed and pulled Paul close, snickering when he felt Paul's hip clash with his.

"Any one actually, and how about gummy bears too? Oh and what about-"

"Paul what the actual fuck?" George interrupted, causing Paul to blush more than he'd originally want to.

"Sorry I just, I get really excited when I'm around candy okay?" Paul bit his lip and reached over to kiss George's cheek halfheartedly but was met with George's hand instead.

"If you'll excuse me Pattie I'll have to talk with this little diva," George smiled charmingly and dragged Paul outside where he pushed him against the wall outside the shop. "What the fuck was that about? Don't tell me you were jealous."

There was a long silence and Paul suddenly couldn't lift his head up to face George directly. George couldn't do anything except laugh. "Were you actually jealous? Of her? Paulie, she's a fit gal but I like you more."

"I knew that," Paul coughed and placed his hands on George's shoulders. "Can we go back into the shop though? I really want sweets."

"Absolutely, you precious human." George laughed and held the door for him.

"That's not a cute pet name, that's creepy." Paul giggled and let go of George's hand to go explore the large place, leaning into cases to try and guess what type of sweets there were.

George stood back and took photographs in silence. The joy Paul carried was absolutely adorable and he couldn't afford to disturb it. So in the end he ended up with about 20 Polaroids of Paul gushing over candies that simply aren't as sweet as him and wasting about 80 quid on those damn sweets. But it was worth it if it meant Paul's happiness.

Just as they were about to exit the store Pattie pulled George back and asked him to speak. He told Paul to wait for him up front and left with Pattie, unsure as to why she was blushing so much. "What's up Pattie?" George asked coolly when her hands went down to his. "I gotta go take the lad back home y'know. I'm running on a tight schedule."

Pattie looked up at him with large eyes and pressed herself closer to him. "Is he-are you two?" George nodded and he couldn't help but feel bad for the poor girl who probably had high hopes for trying to be with him. Poor girl. Maybe someone else would come into her life. Right?

"You should get a cab," she finally spoke up. "Looks like rain." Her voice was almost silent.

George grinned and took her cheeks in his hands before leaning down to kiss her forehead gently. "Sorry I had to tell you like this," he smiled sadly and brushed away her bangs from her eyes. "But I really love him."

George ran off, almost tripping on the stairs by the front where he heard Paul squealing. The sky had turned gray and the rain was pouring. Hard. Fuck. "Georgie!" He cried out and ducked beneath his arm. "We've gotta go! Protect me!"

George laughed and took off his coat, tossing it over Paul's head while guiding him under store fronts that people seemed to be protecting themselves under as well. The two lads were giggling messes as they were occasionally pushed into the streets and got wet. Successfully, George was able to get Paul down the tube without having any of his face or upper body get wet. George on the other hand was soaked and if he didn't get home stat, he'd surely get sick. Luckily, Paul's Polaroids were stored safely in his inner jacket pocket. He took a look at the beautiful man that was checking over his sweets to make sure they were all there.

"What's the matter Georgie?" Paul looked up with clueless eyes.

"Nothing," George grinned and kissed his head softly. "Nothing at all."

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