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"George hurry the fuck up," Paul hollered over the younger man's singing, trying to ignore the fact that he did indeed sound gorgeous when he sang. "We'll never leave the fucking house if you don't come out!"

"Fuck off! It's my house, I can take as long as I fucking want!" George called back and threw on the first shirt he saw.

"I don't have all day! I'm leaving later!" Paul groaned and just as he was about to open the door to George's room, the man stumbled out with his wet hair sticking to his forehead.

"I'm ready," George blushed. "At least I think I am."

"Well good," Paul was a bit breathless but he smiled and grabbed hold of the camera next to George's bedside. "Now show me around your town. I'm not leaving until I see everything about it."

"Well we're gonna be here forever." George giggled and ran down the stairs, taking Paul by his hand as they left the house and stepped into the street.

"First stop?" Paul hummed as George lead them.

"Park." He smiled and licked his lips in some sort of determination. It made Paul giggle and pull him back so that they fell back on the concrete of the sidewalk.

"Paul!" George shrieked and shoved his shoulder. "Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Of course not," Paul scoffed and heaved himself up. "You're just a little lighter than I anticipated."

"Rude," George blushed and extended his arms towards Paul. "Help me up."

"Yeah yeah," Paul rolled his eyes and pulled him up, kissing his cheek softly when he was back up. "Now let's go you little stick."

The two men walked down to the green park that was only a twenty minute walk from George's home. It was large, green, and mainly empty. Perfect.

"So Geo," Paul sighed and let go of the man's hand to run over towards a shady tree that had leaves falling over to the ground. It was clear that summer was starting to end. Here came autumn. "What would you say if we had our own little... photoshoot?"

"B-but Paulie," George stammered a bit and crawled over to where Paul sat. He sat on his knees and looked down when Paul beamed at him. "I just have me camera. If you wanted a photoshoot I would've brung all my equipment."

"It's not between you and me if you have all your equipment," Paul said and brung him closer. Their noses were touching and they were both blushing messes. "I'm fine with a camera and my favorite human being holding it."

"S-so you wanna get started now I guess?" George stammered and Paul grinned triumphantly.

There was another two second quick kiss on the lips and another frustrated George. "As soon as possible thank you."

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