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"Georgie," Paul smiled once they entered the home dripping wet. The younger man's had just tossed his shirt aside and he was already working on his jeans. "I'm leaving tomorrow and I know that these clothes aren't drying that fast so I was wondering if I could borrow some of yours."

"That's really gay y'know," George snorted and pulled Paul close to his chest, resting his chin upon Paul's wet hair. He couldn't help but laugh at the little sneeze that came from the man beneath him. Paul felt so small for some reason. He couldn't quite put a finger on it. "You're lucky I love your gay arse. Take anything you want okay."

"I knew you'd come to it eventually," Paul grinned triumphantly and rubbed his nose to try and get rid of the fact that he could probably get a cold tomorrow. "By the way I saw you taking pictures of me at the sweet shop. I want them as memories."

"You're not keeping them all." George grinned and grabbed the jacket around Paul's head for the pockets that were inside. The Polaroids were still perfect. They both grinned widely.

"You take half. I'll get the other." Paul said and began looking through them, as the canvas of course he got to have first pick.

George sat down next to Paul and pointed out little details or small comments towards each picture. It made Paul's heart swell at how much attention the man was paying to him. He glanced at his watch and read 10:36 pm. The day was already starting to come to a close and soon enough he'd be leaving Manchester to go back to London.

"Georgie," Paul looked up and rested his hand on George's soaked knee. "It's almost 11. We should really go and shower."

"I don't wanna do anything to be quite frank with you," George snorted. "The day went by too fast. And you're leaving tomorrow. And to be quite frank with you, I don't want you to. Is there any possibility that you could stay here forever with me?"

"I wish there was baby," Paul sighed and gathered the photographs to one corner of the floor. He sat himself down on George's lap and tangled his fingers through his damp hair. As the heat began to gather in his cheeks, Paul decided to be quick with his next action. He kissed down George's neck sweetly and traced over his collarbones as if it'll do them good and keep them together. Like it was going to solve their problems and keep them here forever. But they knew too well this wasn't the case.

Paul was silently saying his goodbyes. He couldn't bear to make it official by having to spill the words from his lips. George inhaled deeply and enjoyed the warmth that came from Paul's lips. He'd go to the moon and back just be able to feel this sensation for a little while longer. The younger man cleared his throat and put his arms around Paul's waist, pushing him away. "We should get you to a bed. You've got to be well rested if you're gonna go home."

"Yeah," Paul felt as though he was in a daze. "Home."

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