1: Sneak out. (Taster)

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AN: should I put POVs? Comment if you think so.

As the guild laughed and threw things at each other, Lucy sneaks out of the guild.
She slowly opens the doors, trying not to make them creak.
When she makes it outside she hears someone begging her say"Lucy! Where ya goin?" It was Natsu.
Shit, thinks Lucy. She raises her hand and swipes it through the air making a purple sphere open in the air. She stepped into it and it disappeared along with her.
Where'd she go? Was I imagining it? Thinks Natsu as he walks back into the guildhall.

In the forest at the other side of Magnolia, sat a black haired and black eyed dark Mage. A portal opened up behind him. The dark mage didn't flinch.
"Hey baby!" Says Lucy from behind him.

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