2: Date Ready.

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Lucy sits beside the dark haired man, Zeref, and pulls him into a kiss.
"Hello LuLu." He says.
"How have you been. We haven't seen each other in a while."
"I've been doing fine. And I missed you so I'm going to take you out tonight!" He smiles, taking Lucy's hand. I always feel safe and warm when I'm with her. I know I love her. I just don't have the courage to tell her. He thinks.
"Oh. Can I go and get ready at home? I don't want to look like we're friends at a cafe."
"Sure whatever makes you happy my love." He kisses her forehead. "We'll meet her at eight."
"I love you!" She waves as she walks off.

Zeref walks back to his small cottage-like-thing and takes a nap.

Lucy walks into her apartment and opens her closet.
"I need my girls!" She mutters to herself. She runs to the guildhall and kicks the doors open, panting.
"Girls!.. I. Need... Help!" She says wearily.
"Lucy, what is it?!" Says Levi running up to her best friend.
"Going. On a .. date... need help. Getting ready!"
"Time to let out my inner fashionista!!" Yells Erza standing on the table.

Mira, Levi, Erza, Juvia, Wendy and Lisanna drag her out the guild, leaving the boys scratching their heads.

Back at Lucy's apartment, Mira and Erza are working on Lucy's outfit while Juvia and Levi work on her hair and Wendy and Lisanna her make up.

"Make sure to use the right flavour of shampoo!"
"No red suits her better!"
"No blue is best!"
"How about black?"
"Nail files! Nail files! Where are the nail files?!"
"Where's the eyeshadow?"
"The comb is gone? Who took the comb?!"
"Kurby clips!"
"Soooo Bun or pony tail... or plait?!"

After hours the girls finally finished Lucy's look.

"Something's missing..." says Mira scratching her head.
"Snip snip! Lucy babe let me do your hair!" Says (forgotten crab mans name).
"Sure." Shrugs Lucy.

He spends only a few seconds on her hair and she looked amazing.

"You look AMAZING!!!" Squeal the girls

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"You look AMAZING!!!" Squeal the girls.
"The haircut though!"
"It's so cute!"
"Well done (crab man)!"
"You look so hot luce!"

"Thanks you guys."

"So, who are you going on a date with?" Asks Levi.
"Oh, no one really!" Says a panicking Lucy.
"Ookkay.." says Levi, not convinced.

"Anyway girls, I should probably meet my date. But thanks for the help! And I'll give you the deers later! Bye!" Says Lucy sliding out the door.
The girls say goodbye as Lucy sashayed out the door.

She goes to the forest and finds Zerefs disguise form standing against a tree.

He has red hair, blue eyes tan-ish skin, a black hoodie and a green shirt

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He has red hair, blue eyes tan-ish skin, a black hoodie and a green shirt. I prefer ordinary Zeref. She thinks as she snakes her arms around his waist.

They leave for their date, but they didn't know there would be someone waiting for them. 

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