Hi, I'm back!!!

3K 38 9

Hello Readers!!!

That's right! IM BACK IN ACTION!!

You are all probably very confused right about now, but let's just say it's kinda complicated...

I forgot my password to this account so I started a different one and then got logged out accidentally by that one and then the password wouldn't work to log back in. Then after months and months I came up with the idea that maybe I could change the password to that account but accidentally changed the password to this account and here we are!

Anyway, when I logged on, I looked at my stories and then I saw this story's views and I was like "😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱!!!!!!!" That's why I'm writing on this story.

Thank you SO much!!! I am so happy I got 10K reads! (And 363 votes 😜)
When I first made this I NEVER thought I would get that many views on one of my stories!! This was just a stupid hobby of mine!

So, once again, thank you SO SO SO much!!!

If you have any question or anything just ask me.

Love you all!!


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