12- Shock

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No ones POV

Lucy, in her casual form(chapter 10 for all her forms), kicked and broke the doors down. Everyone looked up, still frowning.
They saw a girl around their age with brown hair that faded to red and pale skin with a blush.

"Hello Fairy Tail. It's been awhile!" Lucy says.
The members of Fairy Tail look confused. They are sure they have never seen that face before.
"Yes, I know you haven't seen this face before." Lucy smirks.

Her former guild mates look at her in shock. (She can read minds)

"Maybe this will jog your memory." She says as a light surrounds her body.

Then, stood before the Fairy Tail guild, Lucy's real form.

"L-Lucy?!" They say in shock.

Wendy's POV

She's finally here. Lucy is back. And just in time. Fairy Tail's light is back.

But one thing bothers me. She seems to have a darker aura than she used to. And she's definitely gotten stronger.

Natsus POV

Lucy is back! I can't believe it! But how is she alive?! We killed her. How can she still be here?

No ones POV

Everyone ran up to Lucy and hugged her.
Only Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Levi, Erza, Laxus and Cana didn't run up to her. They stood in their places with their mouths wide.

How is she alive? They all thought in unison.

That's when someone stepped up. "Lu-chan, how are you alive?!" Levi says holding Lucy's hands.
She takes her hands away. "I was resurrected by my ZerZer-sama. Not like any of you care." She scoffs.
"But we do care!" They shout.
"Then why did you kill me?!" Lucy yells back.

The members of her former guild stand in shock. They didn't know what to say.

"Anyway, I haven't come here to 'catch-up'! Maybe you can guess why I'm here. I'll give you three guesses." She smirks smugly with a black light surrounding her fist.

The members look confused. Then they realised. "You want revenge don't you?" Asks Erza.
"Correct guess!" Lucy smiles. They don't even realise how powerful I am. Time to change form.

"Devil form!" Lucy yells as a pink light comes from her body.
Then she appears in her Devil fighting form.

"Well, if it's a fight you want, we'll be happy to give you one!" Says Makarov from the stairs.

"Thanks. Well who's first?"

Sorry it took me a while to write this chapter. Thanks for reading. Next chapter out this week.

Every Darkness Needs A Light (fairy tail ZerLu fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now