17- Two-Faced

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(Lucy's POV)

How did I get here?

Why am I in my bedroom and not in the finding room having my breakfast?

Why does the clock tell 3 o clock when it should be half eight?

But I think I know the answer...

(Zerefs POV)

I was sitting on the patio when LuLu came walking up to me a desperate expression. I immediately knew what had happened.

"It came back, didn't it?" I ask. She nods timidly with a tear spilling down her cheek. "Oh, Lucy. Come here..." I hold her tightly in my arms. "You'll get through this. Please don't worry, you have me!"

She cries into my arms. I feel for her.
Ever since the change went wrong, Lucy's been having these... changes in personality.

Once a few months ago I woke up one morning, went for breakfast and came back to the room and I found Lucy breaking a mirror. Except it wasn't Lucy. It was someone else, something.

It looked like Lucy, sounded like Lucy, but wasn't Lucy. As her husband, I should know! And I was sure that wasn't my Lucy-Lou!

It turns out that she has a double personality. It can come at any moment. She could be having a nice time at the pool and BAM. Her evil personality could be breaking everything it sees.

It has happened before, But I could tell this is worse.

(No ones POV)

Lucy, after crying all of her tears, takes a step back from Zerefs warm hug. "Zeref, I think I killed Fairy Tail!"


Sorry for the short chapter. I thought it was better than making you all wait to be sure that I am going to update 😋.

So thank you for reading my story and thank you all for voting. If you enjoyed this chapter please vote down below, and if you didn't... go see a doctor.

Jk! But thanks people and I'll see you next time. Buh-Byeeee!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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