5- Life Whithout Her

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Hey it's meeee. I've decided to put POVs in the story, at least for now. Just saying! Thanks and enjoy!

Natsus POV

It's not the same without her. I can't believe we killed her.
Master won't talk to us and never comes out his office.
Wendy.. Well we haven't seen her since the funeral, which was three weeks ago.
Erza is kind and doesn't eat her strawberry.
Wendy never reads her books.
Laxus doesn't do anything or say anything.
Gajeel doesn't sit with his 'shrimp' anymore.
I sit on my own the whole time.
Cana never drinks a drop.
And the rest of the guild doesn't do anything.
Out jobs have been piling up and no one take any.

We are all so sorry Lucy. We didn't want to kill you.

~Flash Back~

"Look Natsu! I got my guild mark!"
"Oh that's cool Luffy."

"Come back home Lucy!"

"I'm so sorry Fairy Tail!"
"It wasnt your fault my child."

"Open! Gate of the Celestial King!"

"I'm sorry Aquarius!"

~End Flash Back~

I cry. Why did we do it? Why did we kill her? Why did we hurt her? Why did we do anything at all?! She can date who she wants! It's not our place to tell her who she can or can't date.
But this is Zeref. The darkest Mage ever. The one who created hundreds of demons, including E.N.D!

The doors open. Speak of the devil. Literally.

"Where is Lucy?" He asks.
"W-Why?" I reply. 
"She's my girlfriend. I have the right to know."
I pause. "Follow me." I say. I walk to Lucy's grave as he follows behind.
"Where are we goi--"
"Shut up."

When we get there. "Why are we here?" He asks. "Isn't this the Fairy Tail Grave Yard?"
"Look at the white marble grave stone." I say pointing towards her grave.

He looks at it and his eyes widen.

Zerefs POV

My eyes widen.

Lucy Heartfilia.
Died of... unknown.

I feel tears spilling down my cheeks. My Lucy, gone.

Black light emits the air from my body.

"Run away." I order Natsu.

He does what I say as everything in the black circle dies.

I run into the forest crying.

Every Darkness Needs A Light (fairy tail ZerLu fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now