3- Betrayal?

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After Lucy and Zerefs date, they walk back to the meeting point.
Zeref turns back to his normal form and kisses Lucy.
"I think you look amazing with your hair short."
"Thanks, and I like this Zeref better." Says Lucy, touching Zerefs soft cheeks.
This is the moment. The moment when I tell Lucy I love her!! Zeref thinks blushing.
"Lucy, I love y--" Zeref starts, but was cut of by a gasp from the bushes. No gasps.

Then, Levi Mira and Lisanna fall out of the bush.
"G-Girls?" Stutters Lucy.

The girls look at Zeref in fear then at Lucy with anger.
"Are you wiza-" Zeref starts.
The girls scream and run away. Lucy follows after them.
"Lucy wait!" Zeref calls after her.
"Sorry baby but I have to explain to them!" Lucy calls.

Lucy follows Levi Mira and Lisanna all the way to the guild. But when she arrives, the girls are telling the whole guild about Lucy's relationship with Zeref.

The guild mates have shocked expressions then their heads turn to Lucy.
Natsu was the first one to speak.
"Lucy? Is this true?!" He yells, walking up to her.
Panting, she nods. But she doesn't regret it.
It was bound to happen. "I'm not ashamed of my relationship. Zeref is just misun--" She starts, but was interrupted by a fiery punch.
"Yeah! You're just scum!"
"I bet you're working with Zeref! Plotting against us!"

Lucy looked down and cried, holding her burnt cheek. "But I-"
"Don't talk bitch!!" (Excuse my language;) ) Yells Erza.

"I can't believe I was ever your friend!" Says Levi. Lucy was in shock. "Solid script magic! Iron!"
An iron 'Iron' shaped thing came falling on Lucy's stomach, forcing her to the ground.
"Stop it."
"Card Magic, Electricity!"
"Fire dragon Iron fist!"
"Ice make lance!"
"Please I'm begging you!"
"Fire dragon roar!" "Lighting dragon roar!" "Iron dragon Roar!"

Everyone ignored the pleading of Wendy and attacked Lucy.
With the unison raid that the Dragon Slayers performed, Lucy was near death.

Lucy, knocked out on the floor, was cut up and bruised and bleeding. Blood everywhere.

Wendy rushed to Lucy's side, and attempted to heal her. But her injuries where too deep.

"Why are you bothering with that TRAITOR Wendy? Just leave her!" Says Natsu.

Panicking, Wendy ignored him and checked her pulse.

And there...

Wasn't a pulse.

Every Darkness Needs A Light (fairy tail ZerLu fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now