8- Run Away.

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Lucy's POV

"I love you too. Let's go away together." Says Zeref, still hugging me.
"You mean run away?" I ask.
"Yes. I can train you. Make you stronger than you already are. So what do you say?"

I think about it. Could I leave my friends? But, did I forget they killed me? I'm so confused I don't know what to do.

Ok ok. Calm down. I will leave, get stronger, come back and prove I'm not the simple squirt I am now.
But first...

"Zeref, my love, I will go with you. But first, do you know where Wendy is?" I ask.
"I'll teleport you to her." He says grabbing my arm gently.

No ones POV

The air gets thinner and light surrounds us. A literal second passed and they found themselves outside Kardia cathedral. Lucy walks carefully towards Wendy.
Wendy looks behind her. Her eyes widen in shock.
"L-Lucy? Are y-you real?!"
"Well, at least I think so!" Lucy giggles at her sarcasm.
Wendy cries out. "But how are you alive?! I saw you die!"
"Wendy, keep your voice down! We don't have much time before someone comes, but I just wanted to say thank you for sticking by me. I love you like my own sister and I promise I will return, but for now, you will have to make do without me. Goodbye Dear Wendy." Lucy says hugging her.
"I love you too Lucy. Goodbye. I'll wait for you!" She says hugging her back.

"Babe it's time for us to go. Some ones coming." Zeref said.
"Once again thank you. Goodbye Wendy!" Says Lucy disappearing into a light.

A tear forms in the corner of Wendy's eye.

Lucy and Zeref appear in front of a black and grey castle.

They walk inside. This place was Zerefs Magic Castle. It is where he works on magic.

"What type of Magic will I learn?" Asks Lucy entering a room. The room has a glass pod in the middle and a control pad next to it.
"What level of magic power do you want?" He asks.
"I want to be as strong as I can be!" Says Lucy clutching her fist in the air.
"If so, you have to make a sacrifice. One that will change your life forever."
"What? What is it?"
"Your mortality."

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