4- Funeral.

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"No! Lucy!!" Wendy cries over Lucy's lifeless body.

Her skin was pale, her eyes were open and their colour was mud brown, not the bright chocolate colour they used to be. She had no pink on her cheeks like she used to. And worst of all, her beautiful smile was gone. The smile that lit up every corner of every room she stepped into.

"Wendy? Why are you crying?" Asks Levi.
"Y-You... YOU KILLED HER!!" Screams Wendy. She was in shock.

I can't believe they would do that! They talk about betrayal, but they betrayed her and their souls. No, they have no souls!!

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! She was your nakama and you kill her off like that?!" She screams.

"No! Lucy!" Erza cries, falling next to Lucy.
"DONT GO NEAR HER!!" Wendy shouts, jumping to her knees.
"W-Wendy. We didn't mean to!" Levi says, sitting next to Lucy as well.

"AAAGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Wendy screams. Her magic power flings Levi and Erza as she runs away with Lucy.

Wendy, running through the city, cries.
She drags a dead Lucy to the Magnolia Hospital and bursts through the doors.
"Please! Please help her! Please I'm begging you! Please treat her!" Wendy pleads the doctors.

One of them comes and checks Lucy's pulse. She looks sad.
"I'm sorry, but she's dead. Would you like us to sort out a funeral?" Asks the doctor.
Wendy is frozen in place. Her own guild mates killed Lucy. One of their own.

Wendy snaps out of her thoughts and cries. She nods.

~ Time skip-1 week ~

(I'm gonna put Wendy's POV just once coz it's a special occasion)

Every member of Fairy Tail hung their heads down in shame. We all stood in front of a black marble grave with a Plaque.

Lucy Heartfilia
Friend, Girlfriend, Daughter, Guild Mate, Wizard
Forever to be missed and cherished

(I don't really know the years she was born and what year so I just pretend that she is 19 and that was the year she was born)

Lucy was laying in her coffin in a beautiful black and white dress. Her eyes were now closed and her cheeks had a light blush of make up. Her lips were coloured peach and her hair was curled slightly and lay around her shoulders.

This isn't the real Lucy. I miss Lucy. Please Lucy. Wake up Lucy. I miss you!!
I start crying. I want you back Lucy!
"Lucy! Please don't leave us!"

I hear the cries of my guild mates around me.
They don't deserve to be here!
"Why are you crying, huh? You are the ones who killed her! Why are you even here?! Do you even care?! She's dead! And because of you!"

"LUCY!!" Levi cries her head to the sky.
"You don't deserve to say her name!" I spat. I run to Lucy and kissed her forehead. "Thank Lucy. For everything you've done. I won't forget you."

I leave as they put the lid on her coffin and bury her to the ground.

Every Darkness Needs A Light (fairy tail ZerLu fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now