14- Former Fairy's Fight

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No ones POV

Gray stands up first. "Ice Demon Hook!" He yells with one hand on top of the other.

Around twenty ice hooks flew towards Lucy. She just smirked.
She let the attack hit her then a purple light comes from the ice as it flies into her mouth. "This is some horrible ice. It's cold but Ew!"

The guild is taken aback.

Wendy's POV

I knew she was strong but this is crazy. She-She ate Grays Ice! Only Demon slayer can do that! Wait...

Lucy's POV

You're a clever girl Wendy. Figuring out my power. But they don't know I know every type of 'Slayer' magic there is, not to mention every single element.

No ones POV

Natsu jumped into the air. "Fire dragon Roar!" he yells.
"That won't work!" She sings tauntingly. She sucks up the fire again.
"If that won't work, try fighting me!" Erza yells, flying at Lucy in her Heavens Wheel armour.

Lucy changed into her Devil Fighting Form. "Lightning Angel! Shadows of the Heavens!" She chants.

(I'm just gonna skip all the fighting coz it's getting tiring to write this all 😅)

Lucy proudly stood in front of every member of Fairy Tail, including their master Makarov, who had made the mistake of underestimate Lucy's Power.
"I bet you wish you didn't kill me now!"

The only one who didn't suffer Lucy's wrath was Wendy and the exceeds, who was sitting in the corner with her mouth open in awe. Lucy turns to her and smiles.
"Wendy, if you ever need anything or me, say these words out loud and I'll come straight to you." She hands Wendy a piece of paper with strange words on it.
Wendy doesn't say anything and takes the paper. Lucy swipes her hand through the air and a purple galaxy portal appears. She steps in it and disappears.

Every Darkness Needs A Light (fairy tail ZerLu fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now