7- Wake-Up Call

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Lucy's POV

"W-Who are you?" I ask. "Why am I alive?"
The man took his cloak off. It was my Zeref!
"Baby!" I run up to him and hug him.
"Lucy. When I heard the news that you died I was devastated! I'm so glad I was able to bring you back to life!"

We cry into each others arms. I can't believe I left him! I think about the memories I had with Zeref. And then my memories with the guild. But one memory lingered in my mind.

I saw my friends, my precious nakama, throwing countless spells at me. And I, on the floor, screaming in pain.
Then, the last thing I saw was Dear Wendy running up to me.
I couldn't move and I couldn't speak but I could hear the cries of Wendy and the Exceeds.

'Thank you Wendy.' I attempted to say. I knew she couldn't hear me but I hope she noticed my smile.

Wendy's POV

I was at Cardia Cathedral.
I was thinking about Lucy.
The way she smiled near death.
I'm ashamed to be a member of Fairy Tail.
She still smiled even though her guild mates killed her. She was the light of this guild and they send her to death!

But I've made my decision and no one is going to change my mind.
I'm leaving Fairy Tail. I am ashamed. And master- I mean Makarov- hasn't been at Fairy Tail the whole time since Lucy died. I doubt he even knows.

But it's not like I care. I haven't seen anyone I know since that day. And for the better, other wise I probably would've killed them right there.

But goodbye Fairy Tail. I won't miss you at all.

Zerefs POV

I'm so happy My Lulu is back! I don't what I would've done if she wasn't here.

I was wondering around Magnolia when I heard a couple talking.

"Did you hear about that Lucy girl from Fairy Tail? Apparently she died. I don't know what I would've done if you were that girl."

I was taken over with shock. I ran to the Fairy Grave Yard as I knew she would be buried there.

I redirected her. Not caring about any one else. Lucy is my flash light. Leading me to the end of the tunnel. I need her with me. And she keeps me in control.

"I love you so much Zeref!"
"I love you too. Let's go away together."

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