nineteen; cellphones

567 23 5
  • Dedicated to Hadley for loving Corey Haim along with me

Cellphones. Le doomed topic.


Don't get me wrong, I loooooove my iPhone and it's Flappy Bird and Pinterest and all that jazz... but I think we can all agree that people can get a little out of hand.

Like; I honestly could take one night out of the week to splurge on my phone until sunrise, but I don't see how people can do it every day. Is there really anything interesting on your phone besides photos of Corey Haim before the bippity boppity ew (Rest In Peace, Corey) . (Go watch License To Drive... you'll find out)

Unless you're looking at the SAME stuff over and over... I don't understand. 

Sometimes I rarely get on my phone... until like Nighttime. Shocker, right? 

I mean the people constantly on their phones at least have some respect for their friends.

When I went over to someone's house, she was literally texting someone as I was talking to her.

I was literally right there.

WHAT, ARE YOU NOT HAVING FUN? *throws phone*

I would never do that, just to let you know. 

I get the social media, but there's a limit. I don't need to know you're at a friend's house. I don't really care you're at a friends house. Quit tweeting about it. 

@randomexample1: Oh my gosh I just went to the bathroom at Shirley's house!!! XD

THEN there's me; You're kidding right. I don't need to KNOW. I don't care if her bathroom looks like a portal to the underworld, K?

So ya.. I think that sums up today's topic. What do you think, once I hit 1,000 I'll do 50 facts? ha no okay. 

i love you all. more rants to come xox.

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