sixty-nine; distractions

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Reading is kind of amazing and magical. I can literally escape reality and go into a magical world with my "friends" and be apart of their group. It's like being a different person. The only thing I don't like is when I'm reading in a room with more than one person and they insist on engaging me in conversation. Like; don't you see this thing called a book in front of my hands? Yeah? I'm trying to read it..... so, stop.

THEY JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT I'M TRYING TO ESCAPE BORING LIFE AND THAT I WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE. IT IRRIATES ME SO MUCH. It's like all of a sudden I'm sucked up from the magical world from whatever book it was and it makes me cry.

same with music. When I have my headphones on, it's obviously the signal that I want to talk to you. Common sense, right???

foolish mortals. 

as always, more rants to come :) xx

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