twenty-two- soda kills you and Jesus saves you

544 19 13
  • Dedicated to every beautiful person reading this

I had no title for this update.... and that song was in my head so why not. 

This isn't even about that. It's basically about Society.

I think it's SO STUPID that we have to live up to society's standards. Society's "pretty" is stick thin and long hair. Since WHEN? 

1. I'm not stick thin. 

2. I don't have Long hair (It's basically medium length)

So when I read a magazine that has all of these gorgeous tall skinny girls with long blond hair; it makes me mad.

NO ONE these days looks like that. Well; obviously someone does but I think you get what I mean.

In the 50's; the fad was being thicker. Not overweight, but not sticks. It made you look healthier, prettier. 

Why can't that be today?

Well it is, to me.

Every single person is beautiful. Every one of you reading this (yes, you. The one sitting at the computer now smirking) is beautiful. You're all gorgeous. Beautiful hair, beautiful eyes, beautiful skin.

You should Love it <3 

You only get one body you know. I bet you know that saying, too; "Your body is your temple," and it's true. It's all our own. We only get one, and we have to treat it like it. 

No one's going to match Society's standards perfectly, but we can all be our own beautiful. NO ONE (even if you have a twin, you're different somehow) ON THIS EARTH IS EVER GOING TO LOOK EXACTLY LIKE YOU (until we can clone ourselves).

That's amazing to think about.

You do you, rock star. 

more rants to come. xoxo

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