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There is a picture of Sasha to the right.

Chapter Three


I have my arms wrapped around her tiny waste. She has her arms around my neck. We are really going at it. All of a sudden my nose picks up a very familiar scent. I freeze almost immediately after a hear a gasp.

Michael's POV


Releasing Kara, I looked her straight in her eyes. In a low voice just above a a whisper I said, "I've been waiting for you." That said I turned towards Sasha.

Several things happened at once. Sasha shifted into a light brown wolf lunging at Kara. Kara gasped as if in extreme pain. I turned to protect my mate, but suddenly I also felt extreme pain course through my body. I took one last breath then everything went black.

Sasha POV

I slowly backed away as I noticed that several people outside the large house had turned wolfs and were barring their teeth at me. I know when I am out numbered. I take one last look at Michael laying on the ground surrounded by a small group of pack members. Then I turned and ran until I made it back home. I was so wound up.

That little bitch was pulled out of the way right as I was about to pounce on her. I put in too much work to lose Michael now. I will have him. I will do anything to get rid of that tramp. Michael is mine. I don't give a damn about a stupid crush.

Walking into my bedroom I picked up the phone and made a call.


"I need you, I have a little problem." Without waiting for a reply I hung up.

That took care of the bitch.

I ran in the bathroom to get cleaned up. I needed to get ready for my company.

Kara POV

"I hope they come to soon. It's been over an hour already."

"Honey you know it takes time."

"Yeah I know. Just worried and excited at the same time."

"I know. Growing up we always said how we hoped that one of our kids ended up with one of Dave's."

"That kiss was something else wasn't it."

"Yeah, but still I don't know how I feel about him being so aggressive on their first meeting."

"Baby you know that is how it is when you find your mate."

That's all I heard because at that moment my eyes popped open, and within seconds my entire family was surrounding me.

"What happened?"

Mom answered.

"Honey look at the area right above your heart."

I ran to my bathroom . Looking down I just starred. On my left breast there was a crescent moon with a big male wolf howling at it. I am mated. I can bet anything that the wolf on my chest is Michael when he shifts.

"Honey are you okay in there?" My mom sounds so anxious.

"I'm fine just give me a minute." I take a few calming deep breaths. I feel so confused. I just met Michael, and I already feel strong emotions toward him. On the other hand I have a boyfriend back in New York. I always thought that eventually Chris and I would mate. I don't know how to tell him that we can't be together, because I found someone else after only a day and a half away from him. He'll probably think the worst: that I have been messing around on him the whole two years we've dated. I really care for Chris. I would never mess around on him. This is bigger than him though. I feel like I am already so connected to Michael.

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